Is it wise to buy a two year old a Trebuchet?

Oct 03, 2012 21:26

Yes, I've brought Shinzon's birthday present today and spotted said historical weapon (in minature, of course!) hence the question. My sister has also said that 'toys that make noise' are also acceptable for his birthday...

AHAHAHAHAHA! *evil cackle* She is *so* going to regret saying that;) If not me, then one of his 'other' aunties will either for his birthday or for... you know... christmas< / christmas>

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Today's word count - 500. I kiddeth you not! 1270 words in three days is damn good going;) No more NC-17 stuff today, but there has been slurs and violence. All 'good' stuff.

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So - how are you guys?

shinzon!, the fic that destroyed tokyo

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