Is there a way to 'automate' journal back-ups between here and
Dreamwidth ala 'Time Machine' for Mac - which I love and adore!
Or a way of just moving over the few (okay - twenty odd!) entries I've made since the last back up?
Not that I'm thinking of moving but...
there are reports that the DDOS from last week was by the same chaps as the April one and this time they threw 'wrath of God' type firepower at LJ.
Said it before - say it again. I leave here when the KGB drag my sorry arse out.
In happier news - I am on maneuvers. Currently in the city that features in one of my favourite films of this year. And will be going to the city that features in the writings of one of my favourite authors before the end of the week too. So, in other words, if I take forever to get back to you like that's any different from usual?!, you know why!