I'm going to be spamming with intent over the next couple of days. So consider this fair warning;)
One thing to do is to post the fics I wrote for the various holiday challenges of which there were three (which considering that I had only written one story up to that point - I'm quite pleased by that;)). My Yuletide fic and the two
incept_santa stories I wrote as well.
I need to rec stories I received as well - I'll get onto that shortly. They were all awesome but I need to give them love.
Another thing is to set up this year's 'Films Watched in...' post - now in it's fifth year holy sh*t! but this year there will be a difference! Instead of just listing the films I have seen, I am going to try to watch and post about one Hundred And One films this year.
I've already got one under my belt (let's not talk about the hundred I still have to write;)) with
Tron: Legacy. I'll be talking about a variety of films - new stuff I've seen at the cinema and stuff that I've seen on DVD, either for the first time or the 100th time - 101+ words on the film and what I thought of it.
The main reason for this is because I realised while writing
World You Thought You Lived In and the three aforementioned stories, that I *miss* writing. Since I don't really have a fandom at present (and boy, is that a post for another time!) writing about movies will help fill that gap. Unless I give in to the temptation to write that NC-17 rated Tron: Legacy fic involving a returning character and the unexpected!cameo...
Just don't ask! Please, your sanity will thank you
I haven't spoke about my gallivant to Glasgow yet - mainly because there isn't much to say. Everything I wanted to see was either closed for the holidays, in another country or off sick with the 'flu. Still, it didn't snow - which given the weather over the last few weeks is a plus!
So, while I go watch gaze at! Professor Brian Cox, how are
you guys?