So... one of my usual haunts is It provides good intel and it doesn't show the same... biases that other sources do *coughAuselliocough!* If you're looking for just the facts - this site provides.
Given that it's nearly a month to the premiere of the new season, I decided to see if they had any details about the new series...
Information on the premiere of the new season of NCIS One thing that instantly jumps out at me - Brian Dietzen needs to get a better agent, still *not* principal cast, have they no love for the Palmer?! (pets the Palmer)
More importantly...
Here is info on new team Now, look at the cast list - specifically the list of recurring and guest.
Now, I have read it mentioned (and you do NOT want to know how much *hassle* I had trying to find the evidence in question!)
that one of the team will die (you'll need to scroll quite a way down) (okay, it's Ausellio but he seems to be the only game in town)
Compare which of Gibbs' new team is are named under 'recurring' and which is 'guest'... Are you all thinking what I am thinking?... Apart from when will Team Gibbs be put back together again, obviously! Namely that it looks like we know who will *possibly* die.
Can I be right
twice in one year? Who knows... though the TARDIS would be useful right now... heeee;)