A very wise Russian once said...

May 30, 2007 22:02

"No boom today, boom tomorrow. There is always a boom tomorrow."

Somewhere in the world, it's tomorrow. And boy did the 'boom' happen. As ever, Gibbs Rule #3 applies (don't believe what you've been told, check!) Even so, the usual caveats apply. The only stuff that gets locked around here are usually rl related. So if you're here for the squee, that won't get flocked.

Talking of squee... I need to pick the collective braaaaains of my flist. I've been meaning to put together a bank of picspam, for occasions such as this. Provide (okay... try!) some light and pretty into the angst and wank. So... so far, I have the following as suggestions...

Teh Pretteh ranging from Ianto (Torchwood) to Ducky (NCIS) and everybody I can think of in between. Emphasis on the boys men, but there will be ladies too.

Photographs Mine mostly, (at least I won't have to worry about the copyright!) of pretty places in the UK. Gateshead Angel, Edinburgh Scott Monument, Brighton Beach, the view from Jubilee Bridge over the River Thames... that sort of thing.

Kittens because who can resist cute kitties?! Especially if there is a hawt Timelord with them too?;)

So - any other good suggestions, flist?


In other matters - I am on an organizational kick. Consider this your three minute warning;)

Mainly what I have done is tidy up my flist. I unsubbed from comms that I wasn't watching/interested in and de-flisted people who either don't post or have anything to say that I am interested in reading.

Conversely, if this applies to anyone on my flist - feel free to unflist me. As I've already said, only RL stuff tends to get flocked (and 9 times outta 10, that's about work!) so I won't be offended. Fannishly, I have upped sticks from Cheyenne Mountain to Washington D.C., if this isn't your cuppa tea, then thank you for reading and hope you're in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead (blessing from the old country;))

I have also flisted some folk who have flisted me - I apologise for my tardiness. As I said, on an organzational kick over here!


Still on the organizational kick - will be signing up with the Netflix clone tomorrow. I have the following shows earmarked for inclusion on the list:
Sapphire and Steel
Dark Angel
Doctor Who (S3)
all on the list, along with a couple of movies that I missed due to Not Being Organized Enough. So, the question is this - anything else of interest that should be on that list?

Any reasonable suggestion entertained;) Man from UNCLE is going to be purchased with tomorrow's paycheck. Though suggestions for which one to start with will be lovely. I got very p*ssed off at Napoleon very quickly last time. Not even the loveliness of a certain blond scot hottie could stop that.


Picked this link up during my tagging work for sg1_debrief (serkit message to splash_the_cat - drop me a line whenever is convienent for you!) and not only does she talk a lot of sense but she seems to break it down for those of us who are not fandom academics.

Her name is Mary McNamara and if you wanted a sensible, non-jargon, non-bs breakdown of the whole Fanlib FUBAR then start here and then go over here

Favourite 'joke' of the evening has to be the marketing heavyweights hired to 'chase the elusive and much coveted young male demographic' for fanfic and specifically for Fanlib.

I'm only a librarian, but even I remember from my marketing lectures, all those years ago, that the first thing you do... know your market. To quote a small green wise dude "That is why you fail."

Okay - 12 hour shift tomorrow. My bed is whispering seductively about sleep and lovely things like that.

And please... no breaking the internet again!

lj stuff, dvds, the fic that destroyed tokyo

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