Things that rock mightily

Mar 04, 2007 20:59

First up - a belated happy birthday to both amanda_is_wacky and celandineb

- I iz not dead (duh!;))

- S3 Doctor Who starts on 31/3

- S4 NCIS starts on 13/4 (on UK telly)

- Picking up a skirt that I had my eye on at both £25 off and a size smaller than I was used to. Did I mention that it can work from spring to summer and possibly autumn too? And it's purple *manic grin*

- I don't care what anyone else says - 'Rose' ('Doctor Who') is a damn fine first episode.

- Am concocting meta about Director Sheppard (NCIS) but I feel I need to watch the relevant episodes from S4 before I open my trap. Not only that but by the time that I do get to see the episodes... the series would have ended in the U.S. Um...

- The bunnies are multiplying like... well, bunnies;) Out of nowhere I got an idea for a NCIS casefic where the vic had been at a tango night where Ducky and Abby had been also... (Ducky knowing how to tango from his time in Argentina - as mentioned in 'Meltdown' and Abby being a fan of Dancing with the Stars and having asked Ducky to teach her how to dance...). Yes, my brain is a very weird place!

- I have signed up to rec NCIS at crack_van. At least I have six months to gather up recs/change my mind;)

Thing that doesn't
- I have a story that needs to be finished and beta'ed by next Sunday. The muse just does not want to know. ARGH!

tv, real life stuff, fic, doctor who, writing, ncis

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