If you know me through fandom, through gaming or because of my writing, you probably don't need to friend me here. This has not one damn thing to do with television, books, writing, reading, vidding, art, or anything else. This is just me, being me. It's me talking about my health, my family (by name), posting personal pictures, and the occasional recipe.
This is my personal space, and I guard it fiercly and probably excessively. Friending this journal does not mean I'm going to friend you back. If we've interacted very little in general, or almost exclusively about fandom, I'm probably not going to friend you. If we don't have things outside fandom in common - kids, pets, attitudes, politics, something - I'm probably not going to friend you.
This is, I realize, a damn hard line. I'm not trying to reject anyone, I'm not trying to be a bitch. My email is always open, and so is
fandom_me. I just need this space for me, for the sake of my mental health and general sense of well being.