Oct 06, 2006 00:27
Firstly, even though I love my mum and i'm ok with her now she so annoyed me before. The reason is cos one of our dogs is having medical problems atm, the vet cant make up his mind what it is, one week its Dementia the next week its a stroke the next week its something else, and at this time she keeps peeing everywhere; in the hall, dining room and even today the living room. Now mum's saying she can't cope with that and maybe she's gonna stop the medication so our dog dies quicker cos she cant cope with the peeing everywhere. WTF????? If someone said that to her about an older person she would fucking shop them to the police! It's not like the dog is screaming in pain, she just can't hold onto her bladder!!! And then there was a spider on the door, big one, and she's like "I wish I had the courage to kill it, but I don't like killing animals", I was soooo tempted to say "Yeah, not unless they have bladder problems!". I mean fucking hell!!! She'd never say that about a person which means she must think our dog has less importance, cos she's a dog! The funny thing is if this happened with the other dog she would never have said that cos the other dog is "her" dog and she loves her more and cares about her more. GNAH!!!!! And she knows how upset I get about the whole issue with our dog's problems and yet she goes and fucking says that!?!?!?!?
Secondly today my english teacher was a right wanker to everyone. First hes getting on everyones back cos they didnt hand in their essays on time which is understandeable, but he had a right go at me and I was fucking off last week....how can I give in my essay if i'm ill? And I offered to give it to him yesterday but he's like "no, i'm going now", even though we were supposed to have a lesson yesterday, but it got cancelled cos most people were going on a trip with another class. So, where did he have to go when he would have been in class anyway?????? Jeez! It was just an excuse to tell me off I think. And then today, cos me and another girl turned up yesterday cos we didn't know the class had been cancelled, he was having a go at everyone for not telling us about it! Firstly; I only share the class with one guy I know from other places and he was off last week, and secondly; if it was so fucking important WHY DIDN'T HE TELL ME HIMSELF???? He has my number and my e-mail so if this was so important to him WHY NOT TELL ME INSTEAD OF EXPECTING EVERYONE ELSE TO GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO? Fucking hell he's such a bastard! And another thing, he was asking one girl only what she wants to do for the future cos her essay was good and he runs this degree course and IGNORED everyone else. HE DIDN'T GIVE US A FUCKING CHANCE YET, I MEAN IT'S ONLY THE THIRD FUCKING WEEK AND FIRST ESSAY! IT WAS ONLY A PRACTICE ESSAY ANYWAY!!!!! And hes like fucking off everyone else without giving them a chance just cos this one girl's essay was good. What kind of teaching is that? I liked him at first but he's just showed what he truely is today and I can't stand the guy now.
It's 00:46 and I have two lots of homework to do. I'm up in less than eight hours. I've got too much to think about anyway to be able to sleep properly.
Sorry for the rant.
Love, me =)