they say.....

Aug 02, 2006 18:57

that WW3 has began. It is near the end my friend. If you read this and dont believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit then let me tell you something when the Rapture Comes i will not be here because Jesus has came back for me and those who accepted Him into His heart. Millions will vanish from this earth. There is such a thing as the anti-christ and he will rule the world for seven years-[read Revelations]. Those who havent accepted him will stay here and will have to endure the tribulation period. It may sound wack now but when millions are gone, you know who took them. Get your life right with Christ because he is the only one that can save you and keep you away from sin and break all your bondages. I wouldnt be thinking about how to please yourself right now......please God...have faith in Him because there is no other way into heaven, my beloved. If there is a time to repent from all wickedness it would be now.

go to god_chasers and in the userinfo for the sinners prayer and more info.
Thank you!

God Bless!
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