It's 11:45pm here in Toronto. I just got home from work, and I have to go back in for 9am tomorrow morning.
But not until I say this.
Happy 26th birthday, Jun!
You're the reason I got into Arashi. If not for Hanadan, I wouldn't have gotten into fandom. Although you don't get much love from me nowadays, I have to give you credit when it's due. Thank you for loving Arashi, for trying so hard in everything you do although you can't sing to save your life, and for coming up with brilliant ideas (the moving stage was the best thing you came up with).
Have fun at Kokuritsu! I'm so envious of those who are going. I hope to see them in 3 months, if I'm lucky. On that note, do any of you
lovelies plan to go to their dome concerts?
I also want to take this opportunity to thank people for new graphics (technically they're not new, I've been using them for a week). Thanks to my sister, sparkles_n15, for the awesome header. I think it goes well with the layout. To
kimmyxfleur at
okimiyage for the mood theme. Although this means saying goodbye to Ohno, at least I have everyone now. I had to use it after seeing those gifs, plus I can always change it back. And last but not least, to
iiantonet, for the semi-friends banner. I love chibi Arashi, but they sometimes make me feel like a pedophile.
I'm going to bed. Goodnight!