(no subject)

Mar 07, 2005 00:01

:x: Full name: Rebecca Lynn Smith
:x: piercings = Ears, belly button.. had hips, and webbing
:x: tattoos = Nope
:x: height= 5'4
:x: shoe size = 7
:x: hair color = Brunette (brunettes do it better ahha)
:x: siblings= none

:x: movie you rented = The Notebook (OMFG SAD)
:x: movie you bought = Troy
:x: song you listened to = listening to Freshman - Vervepipe
:x: song that was stuck in your head = this one
:x: cd you bought = omg.. like Justin Timberlake 2 Christmas's ago
:x: cd you listened to = High Mix :)
:x: person you've called= Kevin 11 Griffin
:x: person that's called you = Brian Balfour
:x: tv show you've watched = Southpark
:x: person you were thinking of : Phil

:x: you have a crush on someone? = kinda
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = Hawaii, or Cali
:x: you think about suicide = No
:x: you believe in online dating = no
:x: others find you attractive = recently I've been told yes
:x: you want more piercings = hells yea.. a lot more!
:x: you like cleaning = only when im mad
:x: you like roller coasters = definetly!
:x: you write in cursive or print = a medley of both

:x: long distance relationships: = against, they suck
:x: using: =like using a person? Against
:x: suicide = Against
:x: killing people = Against
:x: teenage smoking = what are they smoking?
:x: driving drunk = Against
:x: soap operas = Undressed on MTV, FOR, others, AGAINST

:x: ever cried over a girl= yes
:x: ever cried over a boy = ..stupid question. yes
:x: ever lied to someone.= Yes
:x: ever been in a fist fight = yes
:x: ever been arrested = no

:x: shampoo do you use = Paul Mitchelle
:x: shoes do you wear = Flipflops normally
:x: are you scared of = drowning, clowns, spiders, aliens

:x: of times I have been in love = I'd say 3
:x: of times I have had my heart broken= can't count that high
:x: of girls I have kissed = hah well, def 3...maybe 4?
:x: of boys I have kissed= another dumb question. A couple ;)
:x: of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends= Kevin, MaryAnne, Randi, Diana, Marty, Brent
:x: my name has appeared in the newspaper? =a couple
:x: of scars on my body? =a lot, I was a tomboy
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = one

:x: pretty?= When I have makeup on
:x: funny? = sometimes
:x: hot?=..when i have makeup on
:x: friendly?= very
:x: amusing? = well.. to simple minded people lol
:x: ugly? = when i DON'T have makeup on
:x: loveable?= definetly
:x: caring? = yes very
:x: sweet? = yea, I can't stand in the rain or i'll melt
:x: dorky? = hah yea

:x: word: it was shibby.. i like the word manipulate
:x: actor/actress: Josh Hartnett, Brad, Cathrine Zeta Jones
:x: band: A lot, Foo Fighters/Aerosmith
:x: candy: Gum
:x: cartoon: South park
:x: cereal: Special K Vanilla Almond
:x: chewing gum: Anything Spearmint
:x: color(s): Pink, hot pink, baby pink, pink
:x: color nail polish: Basket Case or Psychadelic Pop
:x: day of week: A day I don't have to work
:x: jello flavor: I hate Jello
:x: jewelry: my Class Ring
:x: least fave day: Tuesday.. math and english
:x: movie: Shawshank Redemption, Edward Scissor Hands, Rocky Horror, The Goonies
:x: song: Bush-Glycerine, GooGooDolls-Iris, FooFighters-Everlong
:x: special skills/talents: umm I don't have gag reflexes... that could show a special skill
:x: summer/winter: Winter
:x: trampolines or swimming pools: Trampolines into Pools haha

|| Friendship/Love ||
:x: Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes
:x: Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: Yes, 2 or 3

|| You ||
:x: Nickname(s): Becky, BP/Pornstar, Beckinisha lol
:x: Initials: RLS
:x: How old do you look?: 21 I guess since I didn't get carded ;)
:x: How old do you act?: Depends.. 18.. or 6 according to kevin
:x: Glasses/Contacts: both, but i don't wear them
:x: Braces: Not since 8th grade
:x: Do you have any pets?: 3 cats, 1 dog, a snake
:x: You get embarrassed: Not too bad
:x: Whats your Pet Peve?: Loose hair on womens backs

|| Finish the sentence: || :
:x: I Love: my family and my good good friends…
:x: I Miss: Dirty Diana Baumgardner
:x: I Wish: people would grow up
:x: I Hope: I get my wish lol
:x: I'm Annoyed by: 15 y/o sluts
:x: I Am: my own person
:x: I Want to Be: drunk lol
:x: i would never: cheat on someone! NEVER
:x: I'd Rather be: "Watching Troy"
:x: I Am Tired of: Playin hard to get
:x: I Will Always be: stubborn

|| Have you ever.. ||
:x: Thought you were going to die: no
:x: Wanted to Run away: hah yea
:x: Flunked a grade: nope
:x: Skipped a grade: hah yea all 12

MORE ABOUT ME...i guess

Full name: Hasn't Changed.. I promise
Nickname(S): haven't changed either
Sex: Female
AgE: 18
BirthdaY: 5/13/86
Hair coloR: Brunette
Eye coloR: blue/yellow
HeighT: 5'4
Long or short hair: Shoulder Length
Boyfriend: def not
Best Friend: Kevin
School: CFCC then FSU
Zodiac: Taurus
Languages i know: English, Signlanguage
Bad habits: Talking too much
Favorite/least subjec: I love English, I hate math
Sports: Cheerleading/Football/Soccer
NumbeR: 4
Movie: jeeze the same as above
Tv shoW: fear factor, southpark
Disney characteR: Maleficent
Cartoon characteR: Cartman
Cartoon: Anyhing, Family Guy
Songs: same...
Singer/group: same...
Animal: anything in the cat fam
Smell: Very Sexy for Men
Accent: Aussie baby
Color: pink
Season: fall
Holiday: halloween

[[ Men/Woman ]] - Men!
[[ Water/Soda ]] - Soda
[[ Red/Blue ]] - Blue
[[ Dogs/Cats ]] - Cats
[[ Roses/Daisies ]] - Roses
[[ Beer/Liquor ]] - Liquor's quicker!
[[ Underwear/Thongs ]] - thongs
[[ Hair: Short/Long ]] - on boys or girls? hah mines med, and i like the shag.. or someones long indian hair
[[ Boots/Shoes ]] - Sandals…lol
[[ Food: Mexican/Italian ]] - Italian
[[ Dark/Light ]] - light
[[ Day/Night ]] - night…
[[ City/Country ]] - am I shopping, or living?
[[ Sheets: Solid/Animal Prints ]] - solid

_ Fav0ritesz_
[[ Color ]] - Pink
[[ Animal ]] - Cats
[[ Vehicle ]] - Lotus Elise
[[ Soda ]] - Ginger Ale, DietAnything
[[ Food ]] - Italian, Japanese
[[ CD ]] - NSYNC
[[ Song ]] - jesus u ppl are annoying
[[ Movie ]] - ....afjsakfhsk
[[ Have tattoos? ]] - not yet
[[ Piercings? ]] - yea like 12

((|º|*Do u BelieVe iN*|º|))
*God/Devil: Both
*Yourself: Yep
*Your friends: most of ‘em…the real ones anyways
*Aliens: eek yes... *shudders* and now i have goosebumps
*Love: my family & friends sometimes
*The Closet Monster: umm don’t think soo

.::. yes 0r n0o.::.
Are you smart?: actually i'm "Gifted"
Do you wear glasses?: no
Do you wear contacts? No
Braces?: no, whats the deal with these nerdy features
A retainer?: yes
Do you snore?:am i drunk?
Do you drool?: again, haha am i drunk?
Do you talk in your sleep?:yup
Do you like to dance?: haha liking, and being able to...
Do you like to sing? see above
Do you like to talk on the phone?: yes.. my cellphone bill will prove that
Do you like where you live?: yes, i hate the old ppl though
Is your room messy right now?: yes.. i haven't put my clothes away
Do you sleep with socks on?: no
Are you ticklish?: OMG YESS EVERYWHERE!!
Are you shy?: sometimess
Do you talk to yourself?: all the time..it's worrying me
Do you have a sense of humor?: yupp…just ask anyone..that knows mee
Are you more punk than me?: probably not
Are 2x4's really 2 by 4?: I'll get my tape measurer out that my dad got me for xmas
Do you have a secret crush on your dentist?: hah no he reminds me of a highschool geek
Ever gone skinny dipping?: no
Do you know what?: depends on what “what” is

*Guy Of Your Dreams* (ooh, I gotta get comfy for this one)
Boxers or briefs?: boxers
Dark or blonde: don’t matter
Tall or short?: Tall
Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny: a nice mix
Good guy or bad boy?: both…
Dark or Light Eyes?: Light
Ears Pierced or Not?: well im drawing up two guys, dark hair, pierced, light, no
Freckles or None?: i love freckles.. but only on one.
Stubble or Neatly Shaven?: scruffy if light, shaved if dark
Accent or American?: nice if he was aussie or irish
Chocolate milk or Hot Chocolate?: or WHITE MILK
Coke or Pepsi?: pepsi.. does this hafta do with my dream man?
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper?: Dr. Pepper
Tea or Coffee? Tea
Milk/white/dark chocolate?: milk
Cake or pie?: pie

Marry a perfect friend, or perfect lover: friend
Cats or Dogs?: cats
One Pillow or Two?: 10
With or Without Ice Cubes
Spring/summer/winter/fall?: Fall
Night or Day?: NIGHT
Truth or Dare?: dare
MTV or VH1: mtv
Ocean or Pool?: Ocean
Love or Lust?: Love, but lust is fun
Silver or Gold?: gold
Pencil or Pen?: Black Pen
Sunrise or Sunset?: sunset
Blind or Deaf?: deaf
Color: pink JESUS
Number: 4
Subject: Art
Clothing brand?: idc, hollister is cool
Sport to play: Cheerleading
Animal: cats
Holiday: halloween
Movie: .....*gets shotgun*
Perfume: FCUK No. 2 from London


+. place of birth*-- st pet, fl
+. current residence*-- crystal river, fl
+. hair color*-- brunette
+. eye color*-- blue/yellow
+. height*-- 5’4
+. writing hand*-- Right

+ 014. do you bite your nails*--no
+ 015. can you roll your tongue*-- noo
+ 016. can you raise one eyebrown at a time*-- yea
+ 017. can you blow smoke rings*-- no
+ 018. can you blow spit bubbles*-- not since i was a baby
+ 019. can you cross your eyes*-- yes.. and move them siminataneously
+ 020. can you flip your eyelids out*-- no
+ 021. tattoos and where*-- not yet
+ 022. piercings and where*-- industrial, treagus, cartlidge, 2 holes, webbing, bellybutton, hips
+ 023. do you make your bed daily*-- not at all

+ 024. what goes on first, bra or underwear*--underwear
+ 025. which shoe goes on first*-- w/e one I pick up
+ 036. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone*--they fly off when i tumble
+ 037. how much money is usually in your wallet*-- a check book
+ 038. what jewelry do you wear 24/7*-- class ring, thumb ring, treagus, belly ring, 1st holes
+ 039. whats sexiest on a guy*-- his neck
+ 040. whats sexiest on a gurl*-- ..good question?
+ 041. would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great: be late

+ 042. do you twirl your spagetti or cut it*-- im italian.. i'd be disowned if i cut it
+ 043. how many cereals are in your cabinet*-- 3
+ 044. what utensils do you use eating pizza*-- my hands
+ 045. do you cook*-- hah well, is the fire dept standing by?

+ 046. how often do you brush your teeth*-- 2 times a day
+ 047. how often do you shower/bathe*-- everyday…or twice a day
+ 048. how long do these showers last ; about 30 min
+ 049. hair drying method*-- blow dry it..then chi it
+ 050. do you paint your nails*-- toenails

+ 051. do you swear*-- hell yea.
+ 052. do you spit or swallow*-- hahahahha
+ 053. do you spit in public*-- if i have dip in
+ 054. do you pee in the shower*- no.. do ppl really do that?
____iN + AROUND
+ 055. the cd player*-- High Mix
+ 056. person you talk most on the phone with in the past week*-- oh gawsh i dunno
+ 057. what color is your bedroom*-- mainly white
+ 058. do you use an alarm clock*-- yupp
+ 060. have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex*-- nopee
+ 061. ever sunbathed in the nude*-- well i tan in the nude
+ 062. window seat or aisle*-- window seat
+ 063. whats your sleeping position*-- on my belly, all curled upp
+ 064. what kind of bed do you like*-- a comfy one
+ 065. in hot weather do you use a blanket*-- no... and barely clothes! but randi will have on a sweatshirt and my blanket
+ 066. do you snore*-- am i drunk
+ 067. do you sleepwalk*-- yes
+ 068. do you talk in your sleep*-- yes
+ 069. do you sleep with a stuffed animal*-- my fidget kitty
+ 070. how about the light on*-- no
+ 071. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on*-- no

+ 073. were kissed or kissed someone*-- on the cheek, last night. other than that.. 2 nights ago?
+ 074. watched bambi*-- whoaaa forever ago
+ 075. cried*-- 2 days ago
+ 076. talked on the phone*-- 10 min ago
+ 077. read a book*-- a whole book? haha
+ 078. punched someone*-- along time ago, like a week ahahah

+ 079. where do you see yourself in 10 years*-- married,kids, directing movies
+ 080. how many kids do you want to have*-- 2/3

+ 081. your profession*-- director/actress
+ 082. future school*-- FSU baby!

+ date: 3/7/05
+ who lives with you:mom and dad
+ when is your bedtime?: when i fall asleep

+ flown on a plane: yes
+ ever been so drunk you blacked out: yes
+ missed school because it was raining: in fl, that happens a lot
+ told a guy/girl that you liked them?:yes
+ put a body part on fire for amusement: oh everyday.. haha
+ had a crush on a friends girlfriend/boyfriend: no
+ been hurt emotionally:yes
+ kept a secret from everyone: ive kept a lot of secrets from everyone
+ had an imaginary friend: im an only child.. duh
+ wanted to go out with a friend: yes
+ cried during a movie: haha YES
+ been on stage: yes- best actress award REPRESENT ahha
+ cut your hair: yup
+ had a crush on a teacher? VER-HOT-O


+ lace or satin: lace
+ fav movie: omfg
+ fav drink: That Citron thing..
+ person to talk to face to face: Everyone
+ person to talk to on the phone: Everyone
+ person to talk to online: Anyone

+ wearing: Pirate Jacket, Jeans
+ eating: Fatboys Coleslaw
+ drinking: nothin
+ listening to: Days of the New- Shelf in the room

+ cried: no, for once
+ worn jeans: yuppp
+ met someone new online: no
+ done laundry: nope
+ drove a car: yup…
+ talked on the phone: yeahh

+ yourself: yes
+ your friends: most the time
+ santa claus: yea
+ tooth fairy: doesnt eveyone?
+ destiny/fate: that’s God
+ angels: yes
+ ghosts: yess
+ UFO's: nyes
+ God: YES!!!

+ do you ever wish you had another name? no
+ do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? noo
+ do you like anyone? Yup
+ which one of your friends acts the most like you? omg randi, our moms cant tell us apart on the phone!
+ which friend have you known the longest? randi
+ are you close to any family members? Yea
+ who do you go to for stuff? Mom?
+ who do you hang around the most? friends
+ what's the best feeling in the world: knowing someone loves u the same way u love themm
+ worst feeling: BrokenHearted

.X-What People Think-X.
.x.My mother thinks I am: crazy
.x.My father thinks I am: innocent
.x.My sibling[s] are non existant
.x.My grandma thinks I am: worth spendin money on
.x.My grandpa thinks I am: i dunno
.x.My boyfriend/girlfriend thinks I am: not sure
.x.My best friends thinks I am: wa jealous freak
.x.Your three best qualities?: my eyes, personality,heart
.x.Three things you are often complimented for?: eyes, good heart,being a goodfriend
.x.A compliment you got that made you blush?: not much can make me blush
.x.What upsets you?: immaturity

Yes or No
.x.Like to cook?: no
.x.Have a secret you have not shared with anyone?: yes like 10
.x.Set your watch a few minutes ahead?: yes
.x.Bite your fingernails?: no
.x.Believe in love?: of course

that only took 2 hours
i forgot, interview with the vampire is one of my fave movies
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