Mar 28, 2005 19:05
today i got a letter saying that i was granted a fulbright teaching assistantship in taiwan. i applied for it about six months ago. it would be for one year. i'm not sure if i will go or not. patrick would have a really hard time getting a job. we would have to find our own housing. patrick wouldn't have medical insurance. we don't speak chinese..there are all these practical things that could make things difficult. but we'll see.
break was lovely. i saw friends, watched a bunch of movies, went to boston with joey, and went to virginia for a job interview. right now the main thing i'm dealing with regarding next year is the fact that it's highly likely that i'll end up teaching in a school that has a philosophy i do not share. i'll probably teach at a school where i would not send a child of my own. hmmm...i guess i should go work on my application for the sudbury school in oregon. but first, dreams:
ty dreams abounded over break and they got progressively better. i dreamt about being in a hot tub with about six other girls and watching ty make out with someone else. i dreamt about kissing ty, but when our lips parted i saw that she had aged about twenty years. i dreamt that i was playing with punching balloons provided by girlyman, when ty drove by and said she was glad i liked them. i dreamt about sitting in the second row at a girlyman concert when ty came down into the audience to hold my hand. in that same dream, my mom had just come back from nicaragua and half of her face was all different colors. different colored pixels it looked like. blue, green, and a little red. i was quite alarmed. when i asked what happened to her face, she said that "they" taught her how to do her makeup that way in italy. i also had a fifth little brother in the dream. and after the concert i was talking with ty and she had curly hair and big thick glasses. she was wholly unattractive, but i liked her anyway.
peace, love, sudbury, and punky power.