Is this what growing old is?

Jul 21, 2009 09:08

My iron stomach which used to be able to take anything, including things that I was technically allergic to, has become this weak-willed individual who not only is more sensitive to more foods but last night apparently decided that it was going to refuse to digest all the delicious but spicy Indian food that we ate at Mango Grove (in Dobbin in Columbia). The previous usual reaction to foods that my stomach decided it didn't want was to get rid of them as fast as possible ... whichever route it decided it wanted to employ. Last night was apparently an utter and total refusal to digest, which by the way equals terrible pain, followed by the realization that I am going to have to decide to throw up in order to move on with my life. So every two hours (each time I would stop and hope my stomach could carry on now) about 4 times last night, yeah...utter fun. And the last time was so much fun that my nose's inner mucosal linings swelled shut (like swallowing was a problem because the pressure couldn't equalize, that's how sealed shut my nose and eustachian tubes were), Patrick left to sleep on the couch because asleep I made godawful noises trying to breathe through my mouth/snoring/who knows, and only now am I beginning to regain the ability to use my nose for any purposes.

I'm also currently into magazine articles: discovered via The Best American Magazine Writing of 2008, thumbed through a copy of Dwell while babysitting (hey, she insisted upon it, that I read it while she read her book) and discovered they are doing amazing things with sinks and showerheads these days, and have the bulk of TBAMW2008 to go and enjoying it thoroughly. It's like the news only more in-depth and more involved than the news lite you read on Web sites such as BBC News and MSNBC. 

news, allergy, snoring, slate, food intolerance, magazines

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