Last night I was doing spring cleaning sorting through old clothes and I found this little pair of brown sneakers Patrick wore when he was two years old. Right about the time he was taken away from me. I was going to put them into a pile to give to Aisling’s son Aiden, but then took them back.
I asked myself, “Should I save these for Tabitha?” She could wear them, I decided; not everything has to be pink. There is so much to cherish about them when they are this age, it passes by so quickly. Their pure innocence, as they discover everything for the first time. The things that Patrick says and remembers blow me away. If an adult tells him something, he listens intently and can’t wait to apply it to his life.
“The teacher told me if I have to cough I can put my arm over my mouth like this.” He holds the crook of his arm over his mouth. “Arianna was coughing on me today and the teacher had to tell her not to.”
My son hates being reprimanded and sees it as an achievement when someone else gets the heat and he stays in good graces. I guess I am like that too, maybe everyone is deep down inside.
The other day he headed out of the house wearing these sunglasses, a pink florescent watch, and a bathing suit because I can’t find any of his shorts that fit him. I wanted to eat him up. I know someday he will be a teenager and probably will drive me crazy, but I will always remember these days. I don’t think its possible for a mother to love her children any more than I do. Even though they are back breaking work to take care of I love every minute of it. If that’s the price of their affection than it is worth every penny.