Dec 10, 2006 16:40
So I worked like all day yesturday. 2-7:30 gross. I worked two parties with Brad & Meg. Brad is like my hero omg that kid is hilarious. Brittney & Ashley were working too. &Ben <33 haha he's so gorgeous ; ] I'm not even kidding. He looks like Teddy Gieger but with shorter hair. When I got home Amanda & Danielle were here. Meg took us to Jets to get some pizza then we just chilled.
I was supposed to work again today but woke up & couldn't talk. So I didn't go to church or work. I haven't been to church in 3 weeks... it's weird.
I'm so excited for Chistmas break. It's going to be fun... Dankos having her b-day party on New Years Eve =] It'll be awesome.