Well I have answers as to why I have been so lethargic lately. I was due for my yearly blood test last week so I toddled off to the docs and got it done, he ordered a few extra tests to see what was going on too. Turns out my iron levels are low LOL. They should be between 20 and 200 and mine is 9, oops lol. So I am not at work today, resting. I feel like a mega nap already lol I never knew being low in iron takes it out of you this much. Stupid iron! I got me some tablets, took one with lunch, so it's a wait and see thing now. The nurse told me to load up on red meat LOL.
Oprah is on at the moment and there's a lady who started her own chocolate business. OMG inspration! I'm a chocolate fiend and I would love to run my own chocolate business! Handmade chocolates zomg yum! I may look in to something like that, I'm very open to changing career etc :D I'm sure Craig would support me too, and wouldn't be entirely surprised if I went in to the chocolate business LMAO.
Here's a pic just cos I thought it was funny. I need to stop spending so much time on icanhascheezburger.
I'm off to do the dishes and some baking! Mmmmm, baking.