Sep 22, 2005 09:03
so...we're writing (we meaning tony and i) and we're supposed to be writing screen plays for our next assignment...and let's just say no thank you. so life is good i decided. there was a craze storm last night and i was working with jenny at north and i was freaking out. the tornado sirens were going off and everyone kept coming up to me asking where the basement was, it was nuts. but we survived thank goodness. tomorrow is the homecoming pepfest (midori is singing!!) and i'm really excited, i love pepfests for some reason. let's just say that allie and brian being the mc's is just goofy. i'm going to be laughing the whole time, i'm excited. then there's homecoming....whoo's going to be a crazy weekend, i'm way stoked. i've come to the conclusion that maybe things that i think are so sincere in life could be absolutely the opposite...which is discouraging but maybe that's life. it makes me nervous actually, i know it seems kind of ridiculous that people are actually like this, but what happens when we go to college and we think we know people really well that we've just met but we just don't, that scares me. it's crazy that everyone is starting to really freak out about college, like yesterday already the meeting to be like ok this is what you have to do for college. it makes me nervous about my choices.i mean i'm going to be spending 4 years at this college and i know where ever i go it's going to work it self out to be the "best years of my life" but it's just scary that i can't really picture myself at any of the colleges that i'm applying to. i wish we could just pick out of a hat. anyways enough of this college i got my hair cut last night and it's super short, i'm not sure if i actually like it that much. i got sad when it only took me like a dime sized drop of shampoo to wash my hair this morning and that was still too much. it's ok though. anyways this post was really boring...i promise a pic post soon....once tony actualy shows me how to use a computer and stops being a butthead.