May 20, 2004 23:10
So today was not productive AT ALL!!! Woke up and did a whole lotta nothing, heh... LAZY DAY... I posted on random peoples live journals for the heck of it, it was fun :o) Then hung out with my Mama, shes a dork! A police man came to our house and I thought I was getting a ticket cuz he was a motor cycle one and he parked right behind my tahoe and so I was going crazy!! haha, but turns out he just wanted to talk to my bro about his accident, he'll most likely get his license taken away... Seizures are bad and dangerous and you shouldn't drive if you get them!!!! Speakin of the devil, so yah he came up to me today and said "Your gonna be an aunt" LORD HAVE MERCY! Shesh, after that my buddy Mahoney came by since he was in a great mood cuz he got paid today, I wanna work at Chevy for a week so they'll give me 1,000 buckaroos! We went out and grubbed at Mary's YUmMMM Salad was BOMB :o) Then we went to wal-mart and played pass back with a big orange ball with some little boy who was 6 years old how cute... I want to get my new computer set up so I can actually start using my digital camera and putting pics on my computer... Hopefully soon!
Oh yah and I think that Goosey has offically gone insane, that cats CRAZY!! He came in my room and started bitting all my blankets and spinning in circles lifting his claws up and down and would MEOW like crazy if I'd leave the room but the if I tried to pet him he looked like he was gonna kill me... WHAT A NUT!! But I love my GOOOSEY...
I gotta go pick up my check tomorrow FOR SURE and hopefully my Tuxedo shirt too...