loves lately

Mar 08, 2011 09:43

suuunshine. (spring & summer hurrrrry up)
coffee. black black coffee.
MUSIC!!! praise & worship music!
thankful for answered prayers!
the animals.
no-bake cookies
steam-fresh rice & veggies
low calorie snacks
(because im allllways
counting calories--- its like a
fun hobby for me tho)
travel... Arizona & Nevada 
$2 leggings & sweaters
(always heart shopping & thrifting)
bowling & pool with good friends
local hometown bars
the color green 
the job is treating me well
i heart free gifts without purchase
EXCERISE!!!!! Move & Improve
my skinny jeans are hanging on 
my wall for inspiration...
2011 is shaping up nicely
best year ever?? could be.
in fact that's my goal.
be rid of the negatives....
acknowledge the bad only enough
to appreciate the true goodness.
every little day is a blessing. 
forcing myself to focus of the
beautiful things all around me!
in with the good, 
out with the bad.
drilling it into my head.
life is good!
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