(no subject)

Sep 03, 2006 21:49

i felt like i was posting too many surveys on myspace...so i'm gonna do this one here

1. Which sibling, if any, do you get along with best?

2. Which parent lets you get away with more stuff?
depends on the situation

3. Who was your best friend in elementary school?

4. Who was the last person you called?
um, my mom

5. The last person that called you?
my mom

6. The last person that texted you?

7. The last person you texted?

8. The last guy you hugged?
i dont know

9. The last girl you hugged?
i dont know.. probably sam

10. The last person that you liked?

11. The last person that liked you?
i dont know

12. The last person you saw?
my brother

13. Who was your favorite teacher in your latest school year?
fucking teachers.

14. Who was the last person that emailed you?
sam? probably.

15. Who was the last person you went to the movies with?
sam tub george slappy emily radkoff evan

16 Who knows you more than anyone?
probably sam or michelle.

17. Who is the smartest person you know personally?
probably some old person

18. Who is the loudest person you know personally?
thats tough. i know a lot of loud people

19. Who is the nicest person you know personally?
probably that dang nice tub

20. Who is the weirdest person you know?
we pretty much are all weird- in different ways

21. Who did you like in 1st grade?
i'm not sure.

22. Who did you like in 4th grade?
haha, faggots.

23. Who did you like in 6th grade?
i honestly dont remember.

24. Who was the last person that made you sad?
i dont knoowwww

25. Who was the last person that you went on vacation with?
my family

26. Who is the last person you thought about?
my family...because of the previous question.

27. Who was the last person that made you laugh hard?
i dont remember

28. Who was the last person you skipped class with?
dont recall. probably sam

29. Who was the last person you sang to?

30. Who was the last person that sang to you?

31. Who do you want to date right now?
no one

32. Who do you NOT want to date right now?
most people..

33. Who did you get to know over the summer?
people from camp, and others from here?

34. Who did you meet over the summer?
people at camp, bunch of people in michigan, etc.

35. Who did you hang out with the most over the summer?
sam, cara, tub

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