(no subject)

Aug 31, 2006 17:03

I'm thinking of declaring myself a small animal rescue. Heh.

One of my co-workers at work has asked me to take on her gerbil this morning.. She's had it 6 months and says her son, who has asthma, is using his inhaler more and more and she thinks it's because of the gerbil..

I do have some doubts about this since I have mentioned it could be the bedding.. Her only response was to figure out how quickly she could get it to me. I might be having it tonight? I'm not sure what's happening..

Made me think a little. I have quite a number of pets now that I got from people looking to get rid of them.

We got Kitty from a bloke in the dodgy estate we used to have a flat in. He noticed we had cat litter outside our door, knocked on the door, asked if we had cats then asked if we wanted a kitten. He said she was too much trouble and needed too much attention. Well, duh she -is- a kitten living by herself with you..

Charlie the chinchilla came to me from a workmate who wanted to go someplace else and get a new job.. Only for some reason she didn't want to take her pets. She rehomed her hamster, Charlie and her rescued rottweiler.

We got Celeste from my bosses daughter who felt they couldn't look after the cats they had after the unspayed female they had went and zomg had kittens.. We also got Kaylie and Dreamer the two budgies from them. They said they had been given the budgies by someone else who didn't want them either and she always meant to rehome them.

And I don't know the gerbils name. We're gonna call him Heulo (pronounced hi-low) which is welsh for sun/sunshine. Apparently he's very pretty and tame. *wrinkles her nose* He's gonna need a friend though.. and introductions.. Gerbils need a friend or two from what I've read so far, and from advice I've been given. It also sounds like he's living in a rotostack cage which is half chewed to bits.. So going to need to get him a nice tank to call home and redecorate it to be all fun for him.

I just don't get it though.. I couldn't imagine giving up any of my pets unless I really knew that living with me was worse for them than rehoming them. Even if I managed to find myself homeless I have systems set up where I could keep them with family until I got somewhere else. I always make sure to have some money set aside for emergency vet visits, heck I spend more per month on food and toys for them than I do on myself. And they're all so loving, all so beautiful and all but the birds are very tame (and the birds will come round with time, patience and gentleness). Why.. How could people just.. Toss their pets away because it's no longer convenient to have them? Why have them if you don't mean to keep them (barring fostering obviously)? It just doesn't make any sense at all..

Oh well. I suppose their loss, my gain really.
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