first one

Jul 29, 2010 22:41

ok so im new to live journal and i thought i would start a blog about my life :) if i can be bothered updating at all.

its two weeks un till my first festival and im kind of scared, not sure what to expect. i am hoping for four days of drink fueled tomfoolery! but im expecting some good times and some bad times. the bad times coming when im hungover and sore part way trough the festival and grumpy from lack of sleep.

works been really harsh for the last six weeks and when i finally think they are going to ease up on me BAM they cut nearly ALL my hours. so ive been working flat out for them and they are ust cutting me off.

ive recently re kindled my love fro old cartoons from the nineties such as hey arnold and recess to keeping myself sane watching those.

my boyfriend jacko has an awesome new job and lots of money at the moment which is amazing!

so allot of ups and downs at this time in my life.

hopefully more ups to write about next time :)

livejournal, welcome

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