So I decided to use iTunes to sample music by all the bands on the Lolla lineup I wasn't already familiar with (except for the few I couldn't find on there). Let's just say there's a lot more bands I plan to see now (some maybe, some definitely). XD Here's
my list if you're interested (the ones in blue are the ones I want to see).
Here's a few highlights:
Mexican Institute of Sound (who are playing the second stage) and Balkan Beat Box both kind of remind me of Gogol Bordello, and are therefore awesome. XD The Black Keys are also awesome and I ended up buying some of their stuff then torrenting the rest so I wouldn't go broke (but I hope to buy the rest eventually). XD" Other Lolla bands I pretty much instantly became a fan of include Beats Antique, The Walkmen, Grizzly Bear, Frightened Rabbit, Nneka, The Cribs, Freelance Whales, and Ancient Astronauts. Also, awesome band names much? XD
I also learned some of the bands I didn't think I knew were bands I did know. For example, The Dodos do this song I heard in a commercial once (something for some kind of alcoholic drink XD") and I'd been looking for it for forever ever since I heard it. XD Also, Devo are the guys behind "Whip It". XD
And then there were the not-so-pleasant surprises. While none of the bands were outright -bad-, there was one in particular that I've heard a lot of hype about from everyone including statements that they're going to be the "next big thing", but I listened to several samples of their songs, and was practically falling asleep out of boredom. The band? The XX. Overrated liek whoa. D=