Every time I think Sarah Palin can't possibly be any more of a scumbag waste of space,
she proves me wrong.
"Less than a week after a Nashville man was
driven off the road because his car sported an Obama-Biden bumper sticker, Sarah Palin has called on Tea Partiers to stop drivers whose cars have a similar sticker."
In other words, it sounds to me like she's encouraging the tea party crazies to fucking RUN PEOPLE OFF THE ROAD over a fucking BUMPER STICKER.
Not that there's ever any excuse to PURPOSELY cause a fucking car accident, but come the fuck ON.
And about my icon, I realized a few minutes ago that if polar bears ate Sarah Palin, they'd probably get severe food poisoning since she is clearly not an actual human and is made entirely of acid bile. And I wouldn't want the polar bears to get food poisoning (Failin isn't worth it anyway), so instead I want them to join the army of helicopter wolves and moose(s? meese?) that will eventually shoot her from a helicopter. =P Now THAT would be poetic justice.
But seriously, it not only really pisses me off to hear crazies like Palin and Beck spout all this stuff about how people should ignore rational thought and facts, be openly racist/homophobic/otherwise bigoted without even trying to hide it, and be fucking VIOLENT about their beliefs, but it's also fucking scary. Because "An idiot is a genius to another idiot", and while most intelligent, sane people realize that Palin and Beck and the like shouldn't be allowed outside of a padded room without a straightjacket, there's still thousands, if not millions, of people who actually buy into their shit. If this keeps up we'll be overrun by idiotic crazies who can't be reasoned with and who think violence solves everything.
And that paragraph doesn't just apply to this whole "Hay guyz let's run all them libruls off the road lawlz", but to everything that's been going on with this Tea Party bullshit. It has to stop. NOW.