Oct 31, 2009 22:13
Happy Halloween~! =D
Sadly I couldn't really celebrate it because I have too much homework to do. XD" But it was raining tonight anyway so it's probably better that I didn't dress up. Plus even though I couldn't go to that Dia de los Muertos thingy today, there's another event for it tomorrow, which is much closer to where my dorm is anyway. XD
My internet was down yesterday and most of today because the wireless network in my dorm got screwed up, but I figured out how to hook up my laptop to a non-wireless network. I just had to connect my Ethernet cable from my desktop computer to the laptop.
My desktop computer, by the way, has been acting screwy lately and I haven't even been able to start it up for the last few days. D= It keeps telling me I need to restart even though I've done that 100000000x now. I'm worried that this, plus the fact that my desktop computer is about four years old now, means it may be on its last legs. Which sucks because I have a ton of stuff on there I haven't backed up yet, including 2/3 of my music collection. D= Hopefully that'll be resolved somehow.
But on a more positive note, less than two weeks until I get to see Diru again~! =DDD It's nice to have something to look forward to, especially considering how hectic things have been lately. XD"
Oh, and eating normally again is going great. No bad reactions to the stuff I had food intolerances to whatsoever. My health in general is great too. The Zyrtec worked miracles in getting rid of my allergies. =D
So even though this past week was torture, things are looking up. ^^
my life