Proof that Adam Lambert is awesome:
The Chaparral: What do you do about… the hate, which I don’t want to bring up, but…
Adam Lambert: Oh yeah, yeah. I’ve been hearing about that. Yeah, there were some protestors in San Jose. I guess the Westboro Baptist Church is planning on picketing a bunch of the concerts because of American Idol’s “fag infestation.” Well, I guess they like to put on their signs, “God Hates Fags,” but I think God hates hate more.
TC: Amen. [high fives]
AL: I kind of think there’s probably a better way of spending their energy. Probably doing some good would be better, promoting positive causes, you know, helping the homeless…
TC: Hugging someone.
AL: Yeah. Spreading some love, I think, would probably be more beneficial than hate, you know? But I ignore it. I say everyone’s entitled to their opinion!
TC: A change is gonna come.
AL: [laughs] I agree, I agree.
TC: Pet peeves?
AL: That kind of crap. That’s a pet peeve. No, in a related thing to that, it’s been interesting-because I’m Jewish. [laughs] And clearly gay. And I get a lot fan mail and gifts that are trying to express Christian ideals and Bible scriptures. It’s awkward because that’s not my belief system. I respect people for the intention in which they’re giving these gifts, because I know it’s out love and hope, but it doesn’t match my belief system at all, so I kind of wish there’d be a little bit more respect for that.
TC: The way I see it: music and spirituality, they can be intertwined, but when they start to contradict each other or people start to lose the meaning behind the music…
AL: Yeah! I mean, my music is just for entertainment value, I’m not trying to preach to anybody, I’m not trying to spread any agenda, I’m just trying to get people up and dancing and feeling good. There’s nothing controversial about that.
TC: It’s just fun.
AL: Yeah, it’s fun. It’s fun and it’s sexy. And if sexy scares you, don’t listen to my music.
Couldn't agree more with his views here. XD
Full interview
here btw if you're interested.
And I, like
Evan Rachel Wood, have a bit of a crush on Adam. XD" Even though I know he's not interested in girls. D= Oh well, more than half the guys I've had crushes on are also gay, so I'm kinda used to it. XD"