So dad and I went to go see "Drag Me To Hell", the new Sam Raimi horror movie, despite the fact that neither of us watch that many horror movies. XD"
I definitely appreciated that it was an original story. ^^ And Sam Raimi, is the awesome person behind the Spiderman movies btw. XD
Overall it was a pretty good movie. My only problem was the animal cruelty. The main character had to kill a cat at one point. ;___; Luckily I stayed through the credits and saw the "No animals were harmed in the making of this movie" message at the end. XD" Also, I was worried the main character was going to try giving the curse to a poor sickly old man at one point. ;_; I'm glad she didn't.
There were lots of gross-out scenes, mostly involving the old gypsy woman, who placed a curse on the main character, vomiting random stuff (usually bugs). X_x But there was also genuinely scary stuff. I jumped a lot (mostly due to loud noises XD"), and at one point near the end I accidentally scratched my hand hard enough to get a cut on it in the process of jumping. XD" Clumsy desu. @_@
And I couldn't really watch the very last scene where the main character falls onto the train tracks, because that's always been one of my many irrational fears (falling onto train/subway/etc. tracks I mean XD"). Then again I was irrationally worried about jumping during a scary scene and then scratching my hand somehow because of it, and sure enough that actually happened the one time I was worried about it, which is kind of freaky. XD"
Dad told me she didn't actually get hit by the train, though, since instead she was dragged to hell by the monster from the curse that was placed on her. Not that that's much better, but somehow it's less scary since that can't happen for real like falling onto the train tracks can. @_@
Anyway, I think people who like horror movies will definitely like this one. Also, never piss off an old gypsy woman. Ever.