Mar 01, 2005 09:14
Well guys, ive been outta commission for awhile, about two weeks now..Paris n whatnot has kept me pretty lemme back up a lets say february 18th..the night before i left..very awesome night indeed...firstly i was supposed to hang out with jonas...since i had seen him the night before n he asked if i wanted to hang out with him before i left for my trip..n i was like sure..but the next day things didnt really go as planned..n i double booked myself with plans with i picked up jess..we ran some paris errands..picked up last minute things i needed...went to the mall..shopped a bit..went to longhorns n got some dessert...all during this jonas called 3 or 4 times but i felt bad n didnt answer..haha im a horrible person..buttttttttt its his own fault bc i havent heard from him in like a month anyways..soooooo after longhorns i dropped jess off at daves work and she fell outta the car..haha but she left me with some presents, and a couple of letters to read on the plane..i went home and packed my little heart out since i hadnt really begun yet...the next morning...the day i left..mike picked me up n he was going to be the one to bring me to taunton high since mi madre was still he picked me up n we went to breakfast at the milkbottle..he brought me some presents as well...along with almost killing us by going through a stop sign, he gave me Pricey and Oompa haha..loved it...after that we went to brooks for some batteries, swung by his house to say bye to his mom n loompa..haha..then he brought me to the school n waited with me till the bus came, as we waited we went through one last friends love/hate list...awwww i <3 mike
Then it was off to right off the bat, i should have noticed the omens...first their was a hurse in front of our bus the majority of the ride to the airport..then i left my favorite AE hat on the bus never to be seen again, and my mother didnt send me off with a cross which she has done the last two years...soo basically the plane ride to frankfurt sucked..i sat next to greg n kara which was cool, but we were surrounded by drunk foxboro kids..ughhh lemme tell ya i couldnt sleep at all..i was on the aisle n i kept getting bumped and they tried to befriend me..i even got sat on..this guy jus sat on me n was like "HEYYY, IM JOHN..HOW YA DOIN???" i was like :O ahhhhhhhh....n that was one of the most akward moments in my life..after that we left frankfurt n got on a plane to paris...we had all been up for like 36 hours n had to go on a tour of paris with our tourguide rob...awww rob..i love him..anyways honestly, the rest of the week of what we did was kind of a the rest of this entry probably wont make sense but thats ok...
Some of the things i saw..the eiffel was amazing..out of all three years..going to italy, england and france..that had to be the most beautiful monument..i fell in love..i also loved san marlo (spelling?) it was like a gorgeous castle on the water, and when low tide came in you could travel out to it n see an amazing view from the top of it..we also went to see the mona lisa..not as cool but still fun..
Out of the trip i lost two really good friends..nina n greg..i probably wont talk to either of them again really..they both made promises to me before the trip n they both broke them..they probably say they didnt but what can ya do...i spent two of the nights crying...u probably think im ungrateful n crazy for crying while im in paris..but i guess u had to be there..after about the 4th day i branched out n met some other ppl..eric, jacquie, renee, megan, kelan, and a ton more...i was so happy after that n the rest of the trip was awesome..
Two of my funnest nights were the last night and one of the nights in san marlo..The last nightwe took a boat ride around the eiffel tower where kelan fake married me n made me a ring out of a receipt haha..then later on i roomed with kara...we 007'ed it around the hotel bc the crazy girl next door broke her suitcase n we needed to find a chaperone..we laughed so much...then the night in san marlo..we had come back from seeing the castle n we had some i went with kara, jon, tim, kasey, greg, jacquie, and kelan to get some ice cream...little did i know that most of the french ice cream was i got rum raisin..i find out it was like drippin with i gave it to jonathon and opted for coffee, which tasted nasty like expresso coffee but i still ate it..after that i went back to the hotel n eric wanted to go for a walk so i went with him n he was gonna get some ice i was supposed to lead him to it..but we all know how bad i am with directions so i couldnt find the place..haha we walked back n forth about 6 times n ran into matt, kelly and ian who sent us in the right direction..then eric got some pie...called me retarded and we walked back to the hotel..i dont think ive ever laughed as much as that got kinda akward when i got back to the hotel n as kelly was doing my hair she told me matt said he was having sexual fantasies about me..kinda scary..haha..
All in all the trip was a good experience and made me appreciate i can say ive tried to carry on a conversation with a french person, ive been to the top of the eiffel tower, ive eaten french snow(haha thanks to greg), i have sand from the beach in normandy where d-day took place, ive been kissed in france, and ive stood in the center of paris...
When we got home to taunton high, my mom was waiting with my dog babs, awwww..there was a ton of hecticness so i didnt really get to say bye to many ppl..and then as im walkin over to my mom i see jess :) she showed up n brought me a balloon that said ily attached to a dancing penguin and a ribbon that said i made it haha..i got home n after visiting ru n my house for a bit i went n saw mike at mb..then i came home napped..changed..n went to dinner with jess..the next day i skipped school bc the jetlag was def. killing me..but jess got dismissed early n we went got our nails done, went to brunch, then target and back was a snow day so im kinda jus relaxing..maybe goin out for shoppin in a bit..other then that nothins really goin on..
nice catch up guys ;)