Mod Announcement

Jun 05, 2007 07:35

You may have seen this before, but I wanted to do my part and spread the word where I could. Please keep any and all discussion on this topic to comments in this post. Kthnx.


(This announcement is being forwarded from the fanarchive community on LJ.)

A group of fanfic fans is forming to set up a nonprofit organization for collective fannish projects, including building a central fanfic archive. We are setting up shop in the fanarchive community on livejournal, located here:

A couple of big updates have been posted today (Monday June 4), including the basic outline of our organization structure and our call for volunteers. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please stop by, give us your thoughts, and sign up for announcements!

Here are the two posts:

The Organizational Structure

Willingness to Serve

If you don't have an LJ account, you can subscribe by email with this handy free service:

All you need to do is paste in the following URL:

(If you use an RSS newsreader, you can use that same URL to subscribe to the news feed.)

You also do not need an LJ account to make comments on posts -- please just remember to put your name/pseud somewhere in your comment, so everyone knows who is talking, and include your email address so others can reply to you directly if you want.

If you would like to catch up on the last week or two of discussion, a helpful summary post is up here:

Thank you!

-- astolat (otherwise known as shalott)
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