So this is aging, eh?

Feb 03, 2007 17:36

Rumor has it that there's going to be a trailer shown before 'ghost rider' for AWE.
If that's the truth, I might just pee my pants. My dad claims he's willing to go, I know my mom will surely start laughing at me when I anounce that's the ONLY reason I want to go, and my friends (NO, NOT YOU VIVI.) will all shake their heads and sigh. So are my friends and family.
If it turns out that there is a trailer (and it's not just another fangirl getting so spasmy that she makes things up and posts them) and if it so happens that this trailer follows the script that was leaked (god help me, it better be true) then I might just pee AND poop my jeans. Then I'd need diapers. Like an old person. With their 'Depend: (Faulty) Bladder Control System'. System. Pshaw. It's a diaper dammit! Not a drug! As my good friend Mims said, I'm gonna make one hell of an old person in 60 years.
In any case, my inner fangirl (whaddya mean inner?) is approaching this matter with shifty eyes. Back in December I heard that the trailer was going to be played before Santa Clause 3. Which was too soon, I know. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up in this first place. This is much more likely. It IS Februrary.
You know, it just occured to me that some one will probably bootleg it and upload it onto youtube. Then I wouldn't have to waste ten bucks for a trailer. Hmm...
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