Beckett Legacy: 2.4

Sep 29, 2012 17:38

Sorry for disappearing for so long - crazy, crazy busy with uni papers/projects, plus extra shifts at work, plus losing interest in playing Sims, plus omg suddenly needing to replay DA and ME like woah, equals I pretty much gave up on the Becketts.  Then the supernatual EP came out and I am all over that (um, even though I haven't actually bought it yet...) so I thought I'd start a new legacy.  THEN I randomly decided to open up my Beckett save and instantly fell in love with the triplets all over again, because they are so much fun to play and seriously the cutest Sims I've ever had.  And, well, here we are.  It's been so long I don't even know if anyone is still interested in reading legacies, let alone the Becketts, but here they are anyway!

Previously: Elle had another baby, Charlie.  Ingrid and Goodwin communitcated through their eyebrows.  Ashton demonstrated how glitchy my Beckett save file was becoming.  Everyone in the world had a birthday.

Upon opening my game I'm immediately greeted with this.  Tip: a great way to avoid situations like this is to use a bloody bathroom... and, also, to not be Elle.

The Beckett family conference - headline issue: pools and why we don't have one - was disbanded early to give the heiress some alone time with her pee-covered shame.

Charlie: Puzzle, I've been left out here for hours with no adult supervision.  If we had a pool I'd probably fall in and drown.  That would be SO COOL! :D

Puzzle: ...

But the family conference actually brought up an important, albeit secondary, issue.  Namely, that the Becketts are packing up and moving out of town.

Eden: I think it's really great that we're moving, don't you?  A chance to start over in a place where I can be a winner for a change!  And nobody remembers the time I got stuck in the volleyball net like a fly in honey and everyone just kept playing.

Nathan: I still remember that.

Ashton’s excitement over the move is matched only by his concern over his broken wrist.

Ashton: Don’t let my apparent lack of emotion deter you, I’m actually in quite a bit of pain.

Eden: Grandma, what’s the *sniff* point in moving, anyway?  I’m just gonna be a loser somewhere else!  Waaaaaaah!

Ingrid: I knew I should have offered those robot babies to Elle.  This whole ‘human emotion’ thing is far too blubbering and wet for me.

Eden: >:((((((((((

Oh, honey.

Leaving Twinbrook behind, the Beckett house is located in the sleepy farming community of Riverview.

David’s first act was to try and hit on Ingrid.  Her disgust was palpable.

Ingrid: This would never happen if Elle had a robot husband.

Nathan: I can’t believe our new school gave us homework before we even started!  ‘Write a biography to share with the class’, what is that!

Ashton: Preaching to the choir.  At least ours will be better than Eden’s.  She just cried all over a piece of paper then wrote her name at the top.

Nathan: Now don’t get me wrong, I love Eden and all that, but she is seriously going to cramp our style at school.

Ashton: Yeah, but dad said if she ends up duck taped to a flag pole one more time he’d ground us for life.

Nathan: Okay, new plan!  We buy a very small black wig…

Nathan, presumably off to put his master plan into action, left Ashton to pursue his favourite past time; staring blankly out windows.

Ashton: *emotes*

Eden, meanwhile, was freaking out.

Eden: And grandma says high school is full of girls whose sole purpose in life is to steal prom-dates from black-haired, brown-eyed girls called Beckett!

Ingrid, ever the caring grandmotherly type, is indeed passing her high school wisdom onto the younger generations.

Ingrid: If you start drinking before the bus comes, it’s much easier to be plastered before homeroom.  Which you’ll recall from my earlier points as being key.

At least Ingrid is providing them with some form of sustenance.  David utterly fails at proving he can contribute to more than just the gene pool.

Nathan: Okay, Charlie.  In order for you to flawlessly assimilate into the wider high school community and eventually take Eden’s place as our not-so-embarrassing sister, I’m going to park you in front of this 90210-rerun marathon.

Ashton: Is that a good idea?  Doesn’t TV, like, rot their brains or something?

Nathan: Dude.  It’s seven in the morning and that’s not water.  I think this family has bigger concerns than a toddler watching television.

Needless to say Charlie was unable to grasp the basics of being a teenager and, hence, could not take Eden’s place on the bus that morning.

Don’t worry, boys.  Your faces will surely be enough to make your popular :D

With all those pesky youngsters finally out of the house, Ingrid and Goodwin are free to get back to what they do best.  Each other.

Just to show that Elle is totally rocking maturity.

Um, most of the time.

So.  How was school?

Eden: I sat in gum :(

Eden: Oh no.  The most popular girl in school, heading this way!  Quick!  I need a trashcan or something to jump into!

The aforementioned most popular girl in school, Betty.  Nathan, um, literally followed her home that afternoon.

Nathan: Heeeeeey.

Nathan: Betty, you are hands down the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.

Betty: I know.  Hey, do you ever think about death?

Nathan: Uh.  I… guess?

Betty: Because I think about it constantly.  Like, all the time.  Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a ghost and have no one be able to see you and -

Nathan: Yeah, that’s great.  Listen, is your mum going to just stand there or can we expect her to move it along?

Ashton was also invited back to someone’s house after school.

Ashton: *feelings*

Ashton: School sucks.

Trigger: Oh, I don’t know.  It’s not all that bad…

Ashton: Woah!  Time out.  If you’re going to be my right hand man, you’re going to need to start speaking in a series of short, non-committal sentences.  Clear?

Ashton: *smoulder*

Of course, there was one triplet who wasn’t invited to anyone’s house after school.

Eden: You don’t think I’m a loser do you, Charlie?  I’m your totally cool older sister!  And when you’re old enough, we can hang out together and you can be my friend!

Charlie: *pitying look*

Well, it seems these two finally ditched Betty’s mum.  Looking for some ~alone time~, perhaps?

Betty’s dad: Nice try, Romeo.  You have thirty seconds to get out before I start putting you to work digging your own shallow grave out by the rose garden.

Betty: Ignore him.

Nathan: D8

And here is Ashton, being hit on by his friend’s mum.  Time to go home, boys!

Eden: Why didn’t you tell me I had gum on my skirt today?  We have History together!  There were leaves and twigs and diseased pigeon feathers all stuck on it from when I sat down at lunch!

Ashton: Ew.

The triplets have to eat waffles for dinner (and breakfast and lunch) because Elle works nights and this is all David ever does.  Ever.

David: I’m well on my way to being fired at work, but I don’t caaaaaaare! :D

Both into their nineties, Ingrid and Goodwin sleep in late each morning.  They avoid the chaos of David dragging himself away from the water slide long enough to climb into his car pool, and the triplets bitching and moaning forever about everything.

And they have breakfast together <3

Elle provides some ambience by rockin’ out in the kitchen.

Ingrid: Oh.  I think I’m travelling through time and space again.

Elle: Mum?

Ingrid: Ah.  This is a little more incorporeal than I would like.

Oh, bb :(

Ingrid started crying when she realised she was dead.

Ingrid: But I’m not ready!  I never got revenge on Sandy “horseface” Baker for stealing my prom-date back in tenth grade, and there are still way too many trees in the world that need to be crushed to make way for a robot army and… and… and my husband is here!

Sultan Sam put up a valiant effort to convince Death that he was actually the one who needed to be taken to the great beyond, but it was to no avail.

Elle was positively howling with grief at this point, so Goodwin comforted her.

But his heart was broken.

Omg stop it Sims you’re making me sad! *is weird*

Bye, Ingrid.  You were a blast to play and an awesome founder.  Have fun making monsters and terrifying children in the afterlife!

Elle took her mother’s death really hard.  And she spent a lot of time crying.

And Goodwin, well…

The triplets decided to sneak out that night to get away from all the moping.  They hung out in a playground like the rebellious little things they are.

To Goodwin, family had always come first.  And Elle couldn’t spend all her time crying, least of all when Charlie still required so much attention, so he suggested the three of them go out for the day.

Elle: This was a great idea, dad.  I feel so much better getting out of the house.

Both Elle and Goodwin wanted tattoos XD

That afternoon, the boys invited a couple of friends over from school.

Betty: I sense a loser-disturbance in the force.

Eden: :(

Eden: I’m going up to my room to lie down and die if anybody cares.

Trigger: Who was that?

Ashton: My sister, or something.  She’s a girl.  You should date her.

Trigger attempts to take a leaf out of the Ashton Beckett Book of Teenage Disillusionment.

Trigger: Art sucks.

Eden: Um.  Does he know I’m in art club?

She just really, really can’t win.


Ashton: Gasp!

Goodwin went without a fuss.  I like to image he was looking forward to seeing Ingrid again.  He only made it one night without her, after all.

He was such a great spouse.  Thanks for donating your hair colour to the legacy, Goodwin!

Ashton: Beauty… fleeting… mortality imminent.  Woe.

Naturally Charlie chooses the exact moment Goodwin was dying to age up.

Nice.  She is now insane.

And she imagined Puzzle into existence!

Charlie: Corners are for shadows and spiders only!  Be gone, button-man!

Ashton: Help.  My grandfather died and this is the maximum level of emotion I can physically express.

Betty: I don’t like your family.  I’m going home.


Puzzle: What gives, kid?  You imagine me a life-sized puppet with no human sense of right or wrong.  When do we get to start lighting things on fire?

Charlie: Squiggly grey matter is complex indeed.

Nathan: Dude!  Betty just left in a huff because this entire family is full of crazy and fail!  I don’t know what to do.

Ashton: How awful for you.

Nathan: I feel like I’m tearing my hair out, here.  Prom is just around the corner and neither of us have dates.  What if no girl will go with us?

Ashton: Chill.  I’ve got it all figured out.  Step one; we throw a kickass party.  Step two; something exciting happens.  Step three; profit!

Nathan: You’re right, bro.  Nobody can resist a good host.  On a completely unrelated note, why are you wearing sunglasses inside?  At night?

If Elle had been upset over Ingrid’s death that was nothing compared to when she realised she had lost both her parents.

It’s time for David to step up to the role of Supportive Husband.

Elle: A vacation?  But what about work?  What about the house?  What about the kids?

David: The triplets are perfectly capable of looking after themselves, Elle.  They’re good kids, I trust them to keep an eye on Charlie while we’re away.

Elle: Hmmm…

Next time: Elle and David go on vacation.  The triplets are in charge of the house.  Awesome teen house party ensures.

Thanks for reading!

gen2, beckett legacy, sims3

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