Beckett Legacy 2.3

Aug 26, 2011 09:16

Sorry it took so long to get this done.  I've been having some issues with my game. And oh dear god the new text bar! This has taken me about 4+ hours to get up, and I had to format it slightly differently. Grrr >:(

Previously: The triplets aged into children, Elle decided she wanted another baby then stopped sleeping, the maid was a nuisance and found herself not alive anymore.

Nathan: Today is going to be such an awesome day! Know why? Because it's field trip day!

Ashton: Field trip day my ass, you traitorous Brutus, I have to sit next to the teacher.

Teacher: You might be asking what sort of teacher arranges an elementary school field trip to a graveyard. And I'll tell you; the best damn teacher in town! Come on, class! Into the mausoleum we go!

Ashton: What subject is this for again?

Yes, please stop molesting the dead!

Elle, did you even question your children's school excursion destination when you were signing the permission slip? Even just a little bit?

Elle: lol what permission slips? O.o

The triplets returned with a pile of loot from the tomb. Which makes me question the legitimacy of the field trip even more.

Ashton: We're home, mum.

David: What is my life?

The boys settled in to work on their homework, except...

Nathan: Err, grandma? Mind not turning out the lights when we're doing schoolwork?

Ingrid: Schoolwork? Schoolwork?! Let me tell you something, sonny, multiplication never helped anyone do anything ever. Ditch those books and come listen to a ghost story!

Ashton: Where's Eden? How come she doesn't have to put up with this shit?

Nathan: Something about running away forever because we all laughed when she tripped into that open grave. I don't know, man, she was crying.

Ingrid: ... and then the car wash cost five dollars!

Eden: I am the biggest loser on the planet.

Elle: How about a bedtime story?

Elle: You are the coolest girl I know, sweetheart.

Wondering why Eden's sleeping in Ingrid and Goodwin's room? The triplets pretty much roam free. Ashton sleeps in the treehouse.

Disrupted sleeping patterns abound here. Elle does not sleep anymore. And it hasn't escaped her mother's notice.

Ingrid: I admit I actually had an ulterior motive for luring you into my inventor's lair.

Ingrid: I have the solution to your dilemma. And by 'dilemma' I'm referring to the fact that your father notices his latest grandchild has not come into existance yet.

Elle: Um. Is this conversation happening?

Ingrid: I daresay you've forgotten what your old mother is good at.

Elle: Neglect?

Ingrid: Inventing.

Elle: What are you pointing at? That? It has a duck on it.

Ingrid: A little bit it does, yes.

Elle: Is the duck important?

Ingrid: Oh, there are... duckish qualities. You wouldn't understand.

Elle: Ducks aside, what are you saying?

Ingrid: That I have not only given you life, but also the means through which you can now create more life.

Elle: Certifiably loony, but I'll try anything. Thank you.


Ashton: Unguarded homework. My favourite kind.

Nathan: snerk not my unguarded homework! *night terrors*

Seeing as Ingrid and Goodwin had a hot date planned (pictured), Eden decided to take a leaf out of the old book and spend some time with her own special someone.

Eden: Why thank you, Mr. Mephistopheles, I would love another finger sandwich.

Nathan: 'scuse me, sis. Just gonna keep an accurate record of everything you say to your teddy bear. Don't want to misrepresent you when I tell everyone at school about this tomorrow.

Eden: *mortified*

And she ran off.

Nathan: My work here is done.

Nathan has the friendly trait like Ingrid has the hopeless romantic trait.

David: Sweet. Floor juice.

Elle: Good morning, two thirds of my offspring.

Nathan: Can't talk.

Eden: Eating.

Elle: Or should I say 'half of my offspring'?

Eden: Mum, I'm pretty sure you can be arrested for talking about maths so early in the morning.

Nathan: Or dressing like that in front of impressionable children.

Elle: That's right, I think your father impregnated me last night.

Nathan: I'm out.

Eden: Could have gone my ENTIRE life...

It's not Elle's fault. She doesn't exactly have any friends her own age to share this stuff with. Her daughter is her best friend.

The triplets rushed off to school and the Becketts had a visitor. The paper girl is flipping out back there. I approve.

Ingrid: Son, let me show you the grandchildren...

Topher: Err, no really that's okay.

Ingrid: *intense stare*

Topher: I mean, wow! So cute!

After Elle finished throwing up her breakfast cake, it was like a mini family reunion!

They hung out at the family Tiki Time bar.

Goodwin: Miss, you don't even want to know what happened to the last maid that upset my wife.

They hung out in the garden bed.

They flailed around in the sprinkler.

Don't leave, Topher!

And I played around with the new waterslide.

No, seriously. Ditch the family and more back in. ilu <3

Topher: The fuck happened to my room?


As night fell, the family settled in to partake in their normal nightly activities.

Eden: *struggles valiantly with homework well into the night*

Ashton: *struts in after 11pm*

This kid. This kid.

Elle is out on a bridge in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. With this face.

Elle: Heh. The duck actually works.

After getting in a happenin' night of bridge-standing, she rushes home to tell David the good news.

Elle: We're going to have another baby!

David: Oh. Ya-ay.

David: That's so fantastic, Elle, and - say - let's try to just make it one baby this time, alright?

Elle: David...

David: Kidding, kidding.

David: But seriously, baby, do not even think about multiplying in there.

In the kitchen, Ingrid and Goodwin are communicating through their eyebrows.

Goodwin's Eyebrow: Baby?

Ingrid's Eyebrow: Baby.

Job well done, guys.

And the triplets are blissfully unaware that they will have another competitor in the race for heir.

Nathan: Okay, as your self-appointed leader, it is my duty to assign roles for this afternoon's play. I, naturally, will be a knight. Eden, you'll be -

Eden: I d-d-don't wanna be the princesssss! I can't handle the pressure!

Ashton: Bitch, please. You? A princess?

Nathan: Hark, Sir Girl Beckett, do ye hear yonder cry for help...eth?

Ashton: Yo!

Eden: Quicketh! Hasten to the castle!

Nathan: Thy princess be-eth in grave danger from a flying reptilian scoundrel!

Ashton: Verily. Won't thou step-eth into my parlour?

Ashton: And now, Sir Becketts, that I have thee right where I want-eth thee...

Ashton: I shall reveal-eth my truest form and devour your skins!

Just because <3

Pregnancy has left Elle feeling rather domestic lately, and the next morning she decided on a whim to make her family a hearty breakfast.

Elle: I may have never touched a stove - or a spoon or a mixing bowl - in my life, but I am confident in my abilities to successfully succeed.

Elle: This is one busty blonde that breaks the status quo!

Thirty seconds later...


Ingrid: If I don't look it means I didn't hear her.

What is this? Generation one? You should hang your head in shame!

Elle: Now my family will never experience the delicious taste of waffles. For I shall quickly DIE OF STARVATION!

The Becketts wouldn't get very far without Ingrid.

Ingrid: I gave pancakes to everyone but Elle. She has to learn :)

Arriving home from school, the kids are accosted by the elderly.

Goodwin: Oh, Eden, sweetheart. Grandpa loves you so much I just have to pinch those adorable cheeks of yours!

Nathan: Muh haha! Dodged a bullet.

Eden: Nooo! Affection in public is just so embarrassing I could die! Please, grandpa! Think of my social life!

Nathan: Sounds like Eden doesn't love you anymore, gramps. Shame.

Goodwin: You don't... You don't love your poor, old, could-die-any-day, worked-my-entire-life-to-provide-for-my-family grandpa anymore?

Eden: Of course I love you.

Goodwin: Eeeeeeee!

Eden: There are three paparazzi snapping pictures of me right now. FML.

It's true. The hound of paparazzi crashed my game >:(

Ashton might have slipped past Goodwin's front door ambush, but there are still plenty more adults in the house waiting to lavish affection upon children.

David: Hi, son! How was school?

Ashton: Groan. Old people are so tiresome.

These damn kids are so insolent.

Ashton: Hang on, dad. I have to take this.

Ashton: Talk to me. No, no, just talking to my super boring dad.

David: *waits awkwardly*

David: Hey! Would a super boring dad do this? *high voice* Two peanuts were walking down the street -

Ashton: *grows three feet in three seconds*

David: 8O

Nathan: *flees*

David: This is the single most horrifying moment of my life.

No, Slender Man! I don't have your $20 D:

Eden is correct in her assumption that this is the end.

Eden: Its n-not that. Grandpa embarrassed me in front of the paparazzi! An-an-and that time I peed on my birthday... bwaaaaaa!

Moving along...

Ashton: Huh. I wonder what it'd be like to be arrested...

Moving further along...

David: Uh, we were just having a non-awkward group conversation and then they started hitting on each other help.


Of course the baby wants to get in on this.


He's going to be a little while.

Ingrid and Goodwin have decided to ignore the screaming coming from their daughter's bedroom.

Oh, here we go...

David: Hey, I didn't know you were still up. Oh well, I'm just on my way to bed. You know, catching some shut eye.

David: Honey, whatcha dooooooing?


Elle had a girl <3 (and there's only one of her!). Her name is Charlie.

There comes a time in every legacy when everyone's birthday is on the same day. That time is now.

Elle: Wasting... away... need sustenance...

Don't give me any of that. I don't care. Get to a cake. There are six of them.

Nathan: I wish -

Not to hurry you along or anything, bb, but my game won't stop crashing so time is of the essence.

I didn't catch it, but his chin was doing this weird super-mega-chin-of-death thing where it was like seriously down to about his navel before it (thankfully) snapped back to normal!

Nice satchel.

... Dammit Ingrid!

And Charlie aged up, too. She looks thoroughly shocked to be alive.

I won't bombard you with pictures of Elle and David aging up. YA to A is pretty boring. Instead, let's see how the triplets turned out.

Eden would not. stop. crying. So she doesn't get a hallway posing pic.

She's cute. But I'm extremely annoyed that she's a clone.

Eden: eccentric, disciplined, loser. Now also a coward.

Well hello handsome. He looks a lot like David, except for the colouring and Elle's eye shape.

Nathan: friendly (debatable), vehicle enthusiast, couch potato. He's now also a mooch.


Ashton; neurotic, heavy sleeper, adventurous. Now also a great kisser (how does he know that?)


Next Time: All the angst, drama and hormones of teenagers. Charlie's neglected toddler years. And we answer the all important question; why do I think 'Edward Cullen' whenever I look at Ashton?

Thank you for reading <3 I hope you enjoyed!

gen2, beckett legacy, sims3

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