
Jan 15, 2006 23:38

This community is for the slash pairing of Dr Carson Beckett and Dr Peter Grodin from the Sci-Fi series Stargate Atlantis.

This pairing doesn't have a cutesy smooshed-together name and, really, we'd like to keep it that way. We'll stand out from the crowd. ::wink::

Please cut-tag all stories and spoilers. Linking to stories, etc in personal journals is permitted, but anyone using the term "fake cut" gets smacked with the Wraith hand from Rising. It's a link.

Keep posts on topic. Think before you cross-post, please. Management reserves the right to delete posts that are off-topic.

Anything (fic, vids, icons, etc) that doesn't contain Carson/Peter shouldn't be posted here. Gen that can be read as pre-slash is permitted, but only if it fits the pairing requirement. All ratings permitted (G-NC17 or whatever you use), but please clearly label your work.

All Siege/post-Siege fics must be labeled as such. Please. Stories with characters other than Carson dealing with *spoiler* can be posted at p_grodin as long as they're slash.

Crossovers and AUs are permitted if they fit the pairing requirement. Same goes for threesomes and moresomes.

No flaming. No trolling. No MPREG.

Time for some fun! And naked romping! Post!
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