Title: Getting Closer To The Present (1/3)
Pairing/Characters: Mecker: Matt/Becker, Jess, Lester
Genre: Slash for definate with a little smidgen of humour
Rating: 18. There be very sexual slash stuff going on here.
Summary: Its been two weeks since the fight. There have been more, but Matt cannot stop feeling these strong urges towards Becker. He's getting too close.
A/N: So...here we go. The first part of a trilogy in which I can start something pretty cool. I'm hyped up on this idea and i really want to see this through. For those who like Mecker...I hope you will like what the trilogy will bring. You might not....but fingers crossed. This is not beta'd so there will be mistakes.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7139888/1/Getting_Closer This is linked to ff.net because of the length. LJ still won't let me post long chapters. :(