→ So, Noel is a horrible, horrible influence and now I have a comics tumblr--
notanotherdickjoke @tumblr--because she suggested the name and I
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I never used to keep trees for trading. I'm all for equal opportunity even though I never get them myself but sometimes you just know a neighbor who has been really wanting a certain tree and you can't help but put one aside. I guess part of the reason is also that I know how I play and how I never get trees off the feeds and sometimes you just work and work at getting trees and it just doesn't happen. So when that happens, I'm always so very grateful when someone offers me their tree so I kinda want to do the same.
And LOL, I try not to keep anything in my gift box that I can use immediately since I absolutely abhor having to flip through the different pages of the gift box. Everything either gets used or stored away so I'm generally at about 300-400 at all time.
I know exactly what you mean! It seems unfair to save the good stuff aside for friends, because I remember starting out and not having friends to trade with, and depending on people sharing with everyone! But... I've had people do so many nice things for me! It seems like the least I can do is set aside something they want in return!
Half my problem is that I need to keep stocked on everything--about 100 SDs, about 40 Farmhands, 40 Arborists, hopefully about 30 bottles, about 25 potions (more or less depending on if I've just gone breeding), etc. That takes up half of the room right there. And I keep holding my snagged foals in my giftbox because I keep thinking, "Once I design a really cute horse area, then I'll need them! In the meantime, I don't want STILL MORE stuff cluttering up my farm!" And... on it goes. ;__;
The Giant Dark Cherry Tree has been out for over a month, hasn't it? It was during the time of all those other apple trees, if I remember correctly... I never had trouble with them though. The Pink Dogwood is a favorite of mine too. It's pink and tiny and seriously, I've always loved the Dogwood tree in real life. I think I only have 10 of them which is weird because I have many more of all the other trees released around the same time.
FV really isn't a game you can play with only a few neighbors. I think the least people need are 50 regularly playing ones or otherwise you're going to go very slowly and you'll end up missing out on a lot of stuff. Right now about a third of the people I used to play with have suddenly dropped off the face of the earth and I definitely feel the impact. Still, I have just enough that I don't think I need to get new neighbors.
I agree completely about neighbors--you absolutely can't play without neighbors, not unless you want to miss out on 90% of everything. Even just getting the pieces to build your horse stable or sheep pen! Even to expand your farm, you need neighbors! I can't believe I used to try to play this game without a good 50-75 active neighbors. orz
(I'm always tempted to get more neighbors for more stuff, but I don't want to become one of those people with 1,000 neighbors so that I'm actually pretty useless as a neighbor. I like that some of my stuff lasts up to an hour at times!)
But still. Sometimes it's tempting to go find more players who are really into breeding, just in the hopes of being able to snag more animals off them. orz
I actually generally get all of my items in about a two hour span at night... I'll grab everything until I hit the 25 item warning and then use the rest of it to try and grab the really rare good stuff. Which I usually don't get but nothing smarts like knowing a rainbow egg has been posted and you can't get it.
I know I should be happy with what I have and that much more than what I already have would only lead to faster burnout when something NEW AND EXCITING!!! wasn't happening 24/7, but... OUR LIVES, THEY WOULD BE SO MUCH EASIER. orz
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