And the ridiculousness continues.

Apr 09, 2011 05:08

► BIRTHDAY:→ You guys have about three more weeks! I was originally going to wait until the two week mark, but then I realized, hey, no, I never told you guys! I want Shun/Jun and Nino/Jun for my birthday. Well, or Aiba/Jun. Or Ohno/Jun. Or Sho/Jun. see where I'm going with this, of course. *stares* You guys love me enough to do ( Read more... )

x-men, sekaiichi hatsukoi, tiger & bunny, anime blogging, farmville, tumblr, dragonball

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beckerbell April 9 2011, 11:55:26 UTC
I'm really not fond of the style of buildings, too. Well, the buildings are mostly fine, but the giant decorations on their store fronts never looks pretty! And I get so tired of the decorations never going well with pavement areas, because you can see they're meant for grass or vice versa. And you're right about the horrible lag times--I just want to move a few things around and within five minutes it'll start nearly freezing on me! And 500,000 for a tiny square of land is ridiculous and I don't even like most of the themes. (Except the Lunar New Year stuff, that kept me playing for awhile.)

I really wish people would say how they were getting some of these sheep! I don't mind putting in the work, just give me an idea! I'm frustrated with all this shooting in the dark!

Yeah, they changed it on the Home Farm, too. The worst part is always that couple of seconds I sit there waiting for the gift box to pop back up because I keep expecting it. It's somehow worse than the collection items where it takes a good ten seconds for the gift box to pop back open--I mean, WHY would you design something like that?


sherryillk April 9 2011, 12:08:16 UTC
Is it still that expensive to expand for you? For me, it's back to 20,000 but it requires a certain population (which I didn't meet since all I have are businesses) and 40 zoning permits. It's insane -- I barely got 20 as it was! What neighbors I have left like to send Mystery Gifts and Energy, neither of which I need and begging for zoning permits does no good... It's like they want me to stop playing.

I heard that special sheep floating around haven't been released yet and are the product of hackers. But if that's so, then those sheep probably will cost even more FV cash once they do officially release.

The collection items do take a long time to pop up! I don't even wait any more, I just open up the gift box myself and continue on playing. But then it catches up with you and ends up popping the gift box at a time when you're not quite ready for it...


beckerbell April 10 2011, 07:51:42 UTC
Did it go back to 20,000? I haven't checked in a few days, but last time I did it was still 500,000 coins/20 permits and it was definitely putting me off. Though, even if it went back to 20,000... I'm not sure that'd be enough to make me play even now. There are just SO MANY THINGS you need to ask your neighbors for that you have no chance to really get on your own, but you can really only ask once or twice a day. Even with, say, bottles on Farmville that run out quickly, you have a chance to get them on your own (through the newsfeed or SDs), but not with Cityville. (Also, anything that pops up on the newsfeed, I swear it takes 20 to 30 seconds for the entire page to load to get it to count for whatever bonus I'm trying to pick up. EVEN IN A SEPARATE TAB THAT GETS ANNOYING.)

I usually do the same when I'm doing a collection item and then I go to close the gift box and it'll pop right back up and al;sdkjfalskj if it opens again when I'm not expecting it, when I'm clicking up a storm (like if I'm trying to use 20 different building materials) I have totally wound up using something I should have. orz


sherryillk April 10 2011, 13:05:06 UTC
Haha, talking about CityVille with you and how much it annoys me (you're right, it does take a long time for pages to load -- I can load like ten FarmVille ones in the time it takes for one CityVille page) has made me realize there's no point in me playing it. So I've stopped. And I've gotten rid of it and I'm not feeling all that bad about it. I actually feel pretty awesome, like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.


beckerbell April 10 2011, 17:13:58 UTC
You know, I think it's the same for me? I haven't deleted it from my applications yet, but I'm not even thinking, "....well, maybe later today...." about it. I feel a little badly because I friended some people just for Cityville, but I was a crap neighbor anyway and I would like to be free of this game.

(If I really need extra zPoints, I'll just go play Treasure Isle or Petville.)


sherryillk April 10 2011, 22:04:36 UTC
I've more or less giving up on the zPoints thing too. All I really wanted were business for CityVille and trees from FarmVille and I've gotten the trees and given up on CityVille now so there really doesn't seem much of a point...

You know, I'm always appreciative when people visit my city and help out but I really just rather they clicked on every help post I post. Because they don't. I spent the last two weeks trying to get five leotards and I still need them. If that isn't an indication that I'm never going to succeed at CityVille, I don't know what is. And I like to think I'm an okay neighbor when it comes to gift giving in CityVille -- I would gift twice a day, even when I don't play which is more than some people do... :\


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