» Journal hopping led me to:
Dante's Internet and lolling so hard right now.
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Shun releasing an All Night Nippon magazine and AHHH WHY AREN'T THERE BIGGER FANDOMS FOR NON-JE ACTORS because I would totally be interested in translations of that!
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Boku no Miteiru Fuukei's first day sales set a new record for Arashi and I am delighted by this
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(If you want, there is a subbed cut of the relevant part available here)
Also, if you want to see their epic ~first meeting~, check out episode #65 with Shida Mirai in the VIP Room.
THERE IS ANOTHER ONE COMING. I CAN SCARCELY CONTAIN MY GLEE. I think arashi_on has shots of the outfits posted at the voting booth somewhere.
There are shots of the outfits already? Oh, shit, I'm almost sort of terrified to look and yet I must know! XD
Also, here's the post on the new outfits for the Akasaka Big Bang coordination contest!
Thank Christ you found it because I was getting pretty @__@ over trying to find it, given how much the comm has exploded lately. And, omg, yes, all the outfits are decent! Like, okay, I wonder a little at #1 with the RAINBOW ELASTIC CUFFS but it's Arashi, so it's awesome. I fear Jun is #3 because he likes ~*quirky*~ stuff like workplace shirts and boring pants, but, well, he could possibly make it work. Maybe.
That would be an awesome plot twist.
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