Couple of things from TokyoGraph:
Arashi's latest DVD ranked 3rd ever (for music dvds, I think?), which is SO GREAT OMG CONGRATULATIONS ARASHI. ♥
KimuTaku's new drama, which NOW I HAVE TO WATCH, SON OF A BITCH. Curse me and my inappropriate feelings for Hiro. *sullen* Except the premise actually sounds super awesome!
→ Also,
this just kind of totally cracks me up. Goddamn, I could almost fangirl that band.
Okay. I have a great big geeky post on Keitai Sousakan 7 to get out of my soul, but it's sort of growing too massive for my brain to process properly. I can't write out a coherent post about it because I get too caught up in how badly I want Keita/Kirihara porno love this show to tiny little pieces.
Just. It's funny! And it's got great battles! It's adorable and you love everyone! It's actually kind of clever, amongst the silliness! It's not trying to be high-brow! EVERYONE WOULD LIKE IT IF THEY JUST GAVE IT A CHANCE! There are no giant robot fights! No silly rubber zip-up suits! Instead, walking and talking cellphones battle each other! It's funny ON PURPOSE! Yet it also doesn't take itself seriously!
I-- I know I recommend a lot of tokusatsu to the flist, but this one is special, I swear. ;__;♥
I love it enough that I cannot be coherent about it. So. Instead, I'm going episode by episode. Spoilers for anything listed, but mostly it's going to be a whole lot of, "Omg, Keita and Kirihara need to make out RIGHT NOW!" or "OMG I WANT A SEVEN OF MY OWN, BUDDYYYYYYYYYYY." and how much I love Keita and Seven's friendship.
Love it with a passion that is ridiculous. So, bullet point style reactions to each episode.
episode 03:
→ During this episode I was actually not sure whether or not I shipped Keita/Kirihara or not yet. Hard to believe.
→ Kirihara handcuffing that one guy was pretty hot, though.
episode 04:
→ "Then we'll have to entrust the mission to Kirihara." "*pause* ....I'll do it." ♥ I am weak to rivalslash that isn't really rivalslash, okay? I love the bitchy partners thing (aside from their actual Phone Bravers partners, I mean) way more.
→ "Come at me. *gesture*" OH MY GOD SEVEN I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
episode 05:
→ Easing Midori's worries! ♥
episode 06:
→ I... I really don't blame Touko, that guy was hot, omg.
→ Touko blowing on her knuckles, holy shit, I think I love her. ♥__♥
episode 07:
→ Midori in the professor's face! ♥
→ Seven hiding from Keita's mom! ♥
→ Keita narrowing his eyes at Kirihara ditching him on cellphone duty! ♥
→ "So, it was you, Sensei." You can really see Keita's strength coming out more and more with each episode. I-- As much as Kirihara is my poor, hot, bitchy baby, I think I love Keita more.
→ SENSEI JOINING THE CELLPHONE NOVEL GROUP. Oh, god, that shouldn't have worked and yet it is possibly my favorite ending to an episode in the series yet.
episode 08:
→ Kirihara is 29??? I thought he was supposed to be around Keita's age, maybe just a few years older! .___.
episode 11 + 11.5:
→ Kirihara apparently just let Keita sleep on the table like that? Well, that's totally not the kind of fodder that gets a fangirl's imagination going. .__.b Also, dying at the face Keita made when waking up from the 01 flashdream.
→ Seven calling Keita, "Buddy" for the first time! ♥♥♥
→ The silliness of the phishers should have put me off AND YET. I kind of loved it anyway! It was kind of totally pointless AND YET.
→ Keita's fantasy of Godzilla!Seven? STILL FUNNY, LOL.
→ Man, Keita directs a lot of his questions at Kirihara. .... *quietly ships them even harder*
→ The montage of 01 getting knocked around! With the light, upbeat music! I was kind of totally dying.
→ The flashback of AngelK! The fighting stance and BRING IT, BITCH hand wave with Seven! I can watch those over and over and still die of LOL every time.
episode 12:
→ Random ALIEN INVASION EPISODE. I love it. Love it. And Kirihara dies because of Keita's mistake and his reaction! ♥
→ And of course it was all a trick, those jerks. I figured that out less than halfway in, but I LOVE THAT KEITA DID NOT.
→ THE ENDING. "When you were a new agent, you wet yourself a little." Touko ratting Kirihara out like that was beautiful.
→ Oh, man, after Keita fainted from stress/relieft, Kirihara zipped right over to him so fast it was like he teleported there. ♥
episode 13:
→ Seven willing to destroy himself to save Keita! He couldn't save Takimoto, he doesn't want that again. I'm getting all ;___; over cellphones. Seven's attachment to Takimoto, then slowly growing to care for Keita, just. Oh, you silly show, why must you be so good?
→ Machine boy asking Keita's name! ♥ Seven being okay! ♥ It was predictable, you knew how things would turn out, but it was so satisfying. ♥
episode 14:
→ Seven putting on the Grinder. "Come on, baby." in English. LOL.
→ Keita drawing on the little silver pencil case to look like Seven. CHOKING LAUGHTER.
→ I question the wisdom of an ep where Keita forgets Seven JUST after the ep where Seven almost died and Keita was freaking out, but. It was adorable enough that I don't actually care.
episode 15:
→ Kirihara ordered to support Keita! ♥
→ "However, if you're useless... you'll let me do as I please." I like to think that that's their relationship in a nutshell right there. ♥ Seriously, I want porno fic with that exact line. IF YOU GUYS LOVED ME, YOU'D WRITE KEITA/KIRIHARA LIKE THAT.
→ Keita shushed him and the boy got away and Kirihara smacked him on the back of the head. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm going to ship Keita/Kirihara FOREVER, no matter who turns up later.
episode 16:
→ Kirihara really didn't want to leave Keita behind in the bomb ep, did he? He bitched about how crazy things were around those two, but stayed against orders anyway. ♥ Seriously! He gets orders to leave RIGHT NOW, but he totally does not! No, instead he HEADS BACK TOWARDS KEITA. BITCHING THE ENTIRE WAY.
→ Third totally ratted out Kirihara, that he defied orders to stay. Third is totally kind of the Deneb to Kirihara's Yuuto, isn't he? :D Except on Ritalin, perhaps.
→ Wow, that was suggestive as hell. The entire episode. Keita/Kirihara OTP, srs.
episode 17:
→ Only K7 could make an episode about time-travelling phone calls between an old grandma/grandpa this interesting.
→ They got to change the past! Yay! ♥♥♥ I figured it'd work out that way--the past would be changed, no one else would remember, etc.--but it was still so satisfying.
→ Seiichi-san (the grandpa) thanking Keita at the end! Bawling. ;__; The salute, omg. ;__;
episode 18:
→ "Please do your best not to get sucked into Seven, okay?" a;lskdjfa;lksj crying, Kirihara is such a bitch to Keita about his fears of getting sucked into the cellphone since all the people were disappearing after watching that video.
→ A Ringu parody? Oh, god, I love this show. Even if I totally expected Sadako to crawl out of the TV, too.
→ WHAT THE HELL KIND OF ENDING WAS THAT? Are they dead? Alive? Is there a rational explanation? Was it supernatural? WHAT?
I've also been watching Magiranger, since
capncosmo recommended it to me. o/
episode 01:
→ Wait, yellow is male and blue is female? And it went Red → Yellow → Blue → Pink → Green??? Or was it Green → Pink? Either way, BLUE IS THIRD? I-- I DID NOT EXPECT THAT.
→ Kai pretty much hogged the spotlight in that fight. As much as I'm on the fence about his character sometimes, I find it hard to complain.
→ MAGIC. I am never, ever going to get tired of how MAGIC! is responsible for all the stuff they can do and the transformations and attacks and etc. MAGIC!
→ W-wait. They're all siblings? How're you supposed to ship that?? XD I mean, not that a cast full of siblings has stopped me before, but. I'm not sure any of them have the right chemistry for shipping with each other.
→ Omg that ending! Dying. The song! The dancing!
episode 02:
→ *sporfle* Tsu-nii and Kai arguing and ALMOST GET STEPPED ON by Wolzard. I cracked up so hard.
→ Okay, I love the bat-themed minion girls already. Possibly I shouldn't, but I completely do.
→ Pre-2006 sentai is really difficult for me, I'll admit.
→ Houka changing into salt and pepper to make the monster sneeze the others out. Just. LOL. I'm kind of on the fence about a character like her, except every time she does something totally ridiculous like that, I love her with a fiery passion.
episode 03:
→ I know it's sentai and all, but, wow, they seem to have gotten over their mom's death awfully fast. I know they bring her up again later, with the compact and all, but. .__.
→ Red & Green fighting was actually pretty interesting. And also something I wondered about, why the oldest brother wasn't Red. But I like the way the episode resolved things, I didn't feel badly for anyone and I kind of love MagiGreen A WHOLE LOT. I'd hit that at least once.
→ You know. I do tend towards Reds (surprising, I know!) but aside from some initial fondness, Kai has yet to really win me over. I'm far more fond of Makito so far.
And, finally, GARO, MY NEW LOVE. I guess there are spoilers for these three episodes, but it's only the first three episodes and I wouldn't say there's stuff you need to not be spoiled for to enjoy it. And I REALLY WANT PEOPLE TO WATCH THIS ONE WITH ME. (Not as much as I want people to watch K7 with me, though, omfg.)
episode 01-02:
→ There is a talking ring, oh my god. I love it. The show has a very psuedo-horror/gothic look mixed with a very Japanese feel, between all the special effects and magic and stuff, then adding in just a smidge of traditional Japanese feeling to it. And it's all stuff I am super, super weak to.
→ The special effects are kind of silly, granted. But they're a COOL kind of silly! (Shut up.)
→ Omg, Kouga letting Kaoru live despite that she was covered in Horror blood because she'd be good bait for other Horrors and it'll make his job easier. A reason that I can totally buy to let the main chick live! Despite that there's obviously more going on there.
→ Oh, how I love the hot cranky babies. It didn't take long for me to know that I was going to love Kouga, I am weak to the hot cranky ones, but I really love him. I'm on the fence about Kaoru because she does/reacts in ways that I kind of want to smack her for, but I'm trying to like her. Especially because I imagine this is heading towards Kouga/Kaoru.
→ Jeez, Kouga just saved her life and she's blaming him for losing her exhibition? Way to endear yourself to me. ~_~ I get that she's upset and all, but that's not a reason to take it out on the guy who saved your life.
→ The monsters actually look really cool in this series, don't they? *__*
→ I am not sure how I feel about Kouga/Kaoru, since the show seems to be headed there, but I'm not really sure why they'd be attracted to each other. They've hardly met and each have other stuff going on at the same time. Also, Kaoru still hasn't endeared herself to me yet. At least Kouga brings the lolz with his overly serious self.
→ But, then again, it's not like there's anyone else I'd ship them with yet, either?
→ The show is very dark and it can be difficult to even see what's going on at times, I wish the video quality were higher, but. Everything else is kind of perfect, visually.