Title: Endless (1/2)
Fandom: Kamen Rider Kabuto/LOVELESS (sort of)
Pairings: Implied Kagami/Tendou makeouts, but no actual makeouts.
Rating: PG at most.
Warnings/spoilers: Post-series for Kabuto, you only need to know the premise of LOVELESS.
Author's Notes: Look, it's a Loveless fusion. You don't question it, you just go with it. However,
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Comments 33
Also, I kind of want to see Mizushima Hiro with cat ears like a burning in my heart. :<
BECKY. BECKY. MORE. *paws at*
So at least it will be finished soon! :Db
(Someday this fandom is going to disown me, but by god I will have helped make it a real fandom! It's not a real fandom until the cast has cat ears, you know. :|b)
On a different note, someday I will stop going, "Eh wot?" when you blame something on Meg. You'd think sooner or later I'd get used to seeing the name around but nothing ever seems to break me of the childhood experience that no other Megs exist. XD Either that or I'll develop a raging complex.
a;lsdkjfalskj it took me forever to do the same thing with you, because I've known lazulisong for awhile now and it's when there's another "Becky" in fandom. For the longest time (in anime/manga fadoms) there were no other Beckys, but suddenly in Arashi fandom there are, like, FIVE. I'm still getting used to it. orz
And thank you! ♥!
And, w-well. The way Loveless works is that, when you have sex for the first time, you lose your ears and tail (the whole, "People will be able to just look at me and know." sort of feeling that most first-timers go through, only ramped way the hell up) and eventually Hiyori and Juka will have to lose their ears and Tendou will totally flip his shit and it'll be beautiful, I am convinced. I-- I suspect both of them will just have to wait until after they get married and even then it's going to be dicey.
Th-though, you're right. Part of me would like Hiyori at least (since Juka's only, what? thirteen?) to have not had her ears and Tendou loses it. XDDDDD
If I could go back in time and give you my ears and tail I SO TOTALLY WOULD. Because Kagami does not have his ears and tail and Tendou was '...' about it because there went his perfectly white virginal-bed fantasy. (Look on the bright side, Tendou, one of you knows what he's doing from experince, not just the internet!)
My love for you is unholy and deep.
And it totally wasn't an unholy love on my part of the thought of Tendou with cat ears who is kind of a total whore for getting them scritched or having a tail to be petted. Not at all. My motives were pure and true.
You know, thank god we all have each other. I suspect the rest of fandom would disown us eventually. ♥
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