Oh, well, goddammit. Of course VOICE is just as enjoyable as Mei-chan no Shitsuji and Uta no Oniisan. Which means, despite that I have three dramas that I adore utterly this season, I still have to wait week to week for each of them. Add in the wanting each week for Decade and I'm going to claw someone's face off eventually
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Mei-chan no Shitsuji has been getting a lot of flak from fandom, as far as I can tell, but I kind of love it without irony. It is what it is, it's a drama based on a shoujo manga (no idea how accurate it is, but I'm taking it for its own thing) and it's fluffy fun. It's sort of delightful, I spent the entire first episode cooing at just about everything and spotting all the toku actors and thinking Eikura Nana was about the most adorable thing I'd ever seen and Satou Takeru is just. You want to pick him up and feed him cookies and maybe slash him with Hiro's character.
But also Hiro is just gorgeous in this drama, the butler suit kind of makes him even hotter than usual, so he's kind of on Kabuto levels of hotness for me here. If you're looking for something serious, this isn't it, but if you're looking for something fun with just a little bit of really solid acting, then Mei-chan is really good.
Now, Voice. Oh, man, I see episode two is out, so I'm kind of attacking d-addicts right now and flinging myself onto those subs, but. Yes. I adore Yuuki in this, he has a role that could have been grating with how quirky it is, but he really makes it work and he totally commits and he's still over the top, but in that way Japan apparently loves and I find completely endearing.
I-- I am seriously ready to ship Hanei/EVERYONE. Because the scene where Hanei and Ryousuke (Toma's character) bond over Slam Dunk! manga? OMFG DO WANT. Though, Hanei/Teppei totally leads because of all the manhandling. The grabbing Teppei by the back of the collar and dragging him out of his chair was kind of hot, too. a;lsdkfjal;kjs
Clearly, this show is not going to be healthy for me.
I'm...a little perturbed by the message that glasses apparently equal beauty, and she can't be a proper lady and fight back against her detractors unless she wears contacts? That doesn't seem altogether like a good attitude to present to a young audience. Doesn't shoujo usually empower women who fight by their own rules? Giving in to the system right at the beginning like that is...weird, for me. But, then again, I don't know nearly as much about shoujo as people who actually read a lot of manga, so I could be making this up entirely and be completely wrong.
Voice subs are out for ep two?! Omfg, I neeeeeeeeeeeed. I know what I'm doing when I get done babbling at you!
I love that Yuuki has been given such a meaty role in this. Or, maybe meaty isn't really the right word, but there's so much behind this character, and the mannerisms are great, and it provides opportunities to be physical and intellectual and it's just got so many opportunities for him to flex his acting skills. It delights me, and I admit I was really impressed while watching it, that he could pull off such a fascinating character so naturally. He's really quite an excellent actor and I am so, so glad to see him in a role that is clearly going to have great opportunities to seal off the scenes with jokes and references and quirks. He is over the top in this, but it's perfect for him and I adore it!
The Slam Dunk! conversation was hilarious. It was so random, but it fits the bizarreness of Hanei's character so well, and seeing him interact with Toma-in-dorky-flaily-mode was awesome. Plus, something about his hair and the stubble makes him extra gorgeous in this and, no lie, I stared like a rabid fangirl for a while until I got more used to it. Hello, bad boy image, I suddenly understand your appeal. Also, I have a crushing weakness for displays of strength and power, and yes, Hanei being so physical with Teppei set those buttons off real fast.
.............oh ho, who needs to apologize about word vomit now? *___*
Mei-chan no Shitsuji: I hadn't heard about the manga before, either, but you can totally tell it's originally based off one (no idea how faithful it is, god knows Japan isn't that great at it, though) and it's got the whole ikemen buffet thing going on, but... well. It's shoujo. And the glasses thing is totally shoujo and just totally Japan and probably just every place that's ever produced fictional stories. I hardly really even notice it anymore and, w-well. I have to agree that she looked a lot better without them. As cute as the glasses were, they just didn't quite fit her style. Though, the super-short haircut is growing on me a lot.
I'm hoping that it's not really about making her over so much as... well, shoujo is also about how the girl changes the situations around her, how she perserveres through all the troubles and eventually finds love and all that. (And I really do like the het with this series, I'm hoping for it to end up there, b-but. In the meantime. Rihito/Kento, it would be so hilarious. And so, so hot omg.)
Voice: I know what you mean. <3 He's being given something to actually work with here and he's totally running with it. Compare it to, say, Kuboaki or Teppei so far. While I like them both a lot, they really haven't established themselves as clearly in the roles, I don't think. I'm sure they will eventually and part of it is just that Yuuki had more to work with here, what with the scene at his family's place, but. I'm just really happy for Yuuki to be getting some really good roles lately because, seriously, he's a fantastic actor and he seems like an awesome person and I want to fangirl him tons. ♥
I'm not sure how I feel about the stubble, I still kind of really want to sit on him and take a shaving razor to his face, but the hair is kind of super fantastic. I-- I wouldn't mind it so much but this is the second role Yuuki has had with the facial hair and I'm willing to put up with it sometimes, but I don't want it to be forever, Yuuki! Admittedly, this character calls for it and I'm kind of totally okay with the hair he has here.
And he gets to do some physical stuff, which I love seeing because he really commits to it and that's what sells me on him in the role. And a;sldfkjaslk;jas okay Voice episode downloaded and ready to go. *flees to watch it* *___*
....w-well, at least yours had some reasonable content, I'm just sort of flailing over the same things over and over, I feel like. orz
Her reaction at the end, making him apologize to Hollywood was kind of beautiful, too, omg.
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