G-goodness I've been posting a lot lately. .___. I swear, I'll get back to reading manga soon!
Anyway, more of the usual stuff in the meantime since I've been keeping on top of this week's shows. :D
♥ - asld;fjaslk
I love Nino and I love this whole translation.
How many hours a day do you watch TV?
[Nino:] About 30 hours?
How many hours a day do you listen to music?
[Nino:] About 48 hours. I can't live without music.
Clearly, someone thought this was a stupid question and/or was in a bad mood. XD His answers throughout the interview are great.
How long is the current average sleeping time?
[Jun:] It's about 3 to 4 hours.
Tell us the atmosphere of your room.
[Jun:] There are things everywhere. Color of the room? Kind of green. Since the curtain is green.
...........................................................all right then.
That's totally not something that would catch my attention or make me think tinhat thoughts or anything.
Just because that's the color of his room and that it's the first thing that comes to mind when he thinks about the atmosphere of his room, that doesn't mean anything at all, and it is certainly not hilarious or full of subtexty OTP gay.
Not one little bit!
Also, Aiba talks about his habit of taking long hot baths again and I still think that was a totally natural process right there, there is absolutely no one that used to talk about his really girly baths or who would get Aiba into the habit of it.
What is the size of your bed?
[Aiba:] It's pretty big. I never fall off.
Do you sleep quietly?
[Aiba:] I think I'm good. Things besides me (Blanket and pillow) have moved. (Laugh)
What do you put beside your bed?
[Jun:] On the bed side table, there are night light, alarm clock, incense, candles and remote control.
You know what also never gets old? Jun being girly. Incense I suppose I can understand, but incense and candles? Even my nightstand isn't that girly and I have a lamp with little suns and moons dangling off the shade.
♥ - I was also reading the
summary of this week's ShoBeat and:
a) "Some miracle happened at TFP2"? Again?
b) New shows "Himitsu no ARASHI chan" and "VS ARASHI"
and c) yet another Odoroki SP apparently coming out?
JESUS, YOU GUYS. So, is that three shows with GRA being replaced? Or is that still just a rumor/assumption by fans and there will be four shows?
(I want VS Arashi RIGHT NOW, though, plz.)
♥ - Oh, hey, fybabe posted
Shukudai-kun ratings, which are interesting. And, hell, I've seen dramas with lower ratings than some of their recent episodes! It's especially impressive, since it's on late at night, right?
(I'd love to know what the ratings for GRA have been. I'm sure they're higher since it's on earlier, but I assume it's not doing as well?)
♥ - I watched this week's
GRA #21 [2008.03.15] and it was actually kind of fun! It was the second infomercial episode and it was actually kind of really cute. I am kind of falling a little in love with Kanna-chan more and more with every episode, she clearly has a ball on the show and whenever she starts laughing, I can't help cracking up with her. When she gets to "wake up" Sho and he skitters away from her, she just starts cracking up and it's so cute.
Plus, her hair and clothes were totally rocking in this episode. I seriously ♥ her.
Also, when she started giggling at the phallic-looking vacuum cleaner--that I noticed OF COURSE they gave it to Matsujun, of course--I knew I loved her even more right then. Seriously, it looked so hilarious and she doesn't even have to say anything, she just starts laughing.
Most of the gadgets were actually pretty fun, if only because everyone was having fun playing with them or because they're just so silly. The alarm clock with the helicopter was sort of hilarious and I'm only sad that it didn't, like, land right on Sho's face, because that's the only thing that could have made it better.
Though, the inflating bed was actually sort of a dumb invention because--JUST LIKE SHO POINTS OUT--you can scooch down a little and use the inflated part as a pillow. I think it would have been way more hilarious to have the whole side of the bed inflate so that you'd be rolled right out of bed and onto the floor.
The key alarms were also SO CUTE. I love everyone hiding them on various places of the stage and Nino... naturally, Nino goes right for Ohno's pants to hide his. as;laslkjaslk of course. And it was even funnier when Ohno kept wandering off so Kanna-chan couldn't pinpoint the source of the sound and then trying to swat her away when she got too close.
Seriously, the whole episode was worth it for that moment right there, when Nino looked so irritated-yet-resigned at being forced into the ridiculous laundry-holding apron (after he tried to refuse and was totally denied!) and Matsui-san and Kanna-chan are just laughing so hard at the sight of poor, resigned Nino who sighs to himself and does what he's told. Jun is practically beaming with how awesome he finds this, too.
(Ho says that she bets that's exactly how he looks when his mom still makes him do the laundry and I cracked up so hard--and fell in love with his mother all over again--because you know it's so true.)
And Jun's really cute throughout the episode, which is totally not because it's about housework or anything. I mean, Matsumoto Jun? Getting excited about things that clean the house? That's so out of character for him. He totally did not genuinely perk up at the super-awesome little cleaner thing and look like his OCD would be so happy to have one of those inventions. He totally did not look like he was thinking, FINALLY, SOMETHING THAT WILL CLEAN UP AFTER MY STUPID BANDMATES.
Also, it was totally not hilarious when they handed the penis vacuum to Jun. I didn't laugh at all. Not one little bit.
The talking vacuum was also totally not super-cute, either.
All in all, if you go in expecting something like Shukudai-kun, it's not going to live up to that. But I more than enjoyed this episode, there were several points where I just totally cracked up, and I think the guys started to genuinely enjoy themselves here.
♥ - I have also watched
Arashi no Shukudai-kun #75 - [2008.03.17] after wrestling with clubbox all fucking afternoon--actually, I shouldn't be that way, I got it at about 35kbps to 50kpbs, that's about the fastest I've ever seen clubbox go. Last week was super-awesome for the OTP, but you could kind of tell that they were running a little empty with the whole dilatancy thing. This week they were back in fine form, though, and I think I actually shrieked with laughter about four different times.
The beginning was a little slow, but it kind of always is. There were some cute moments that I think will be much more fun with subs, but it's not until they start playing the games that this episode becomes amazing. Well, there was the moment where Aiba was adorable because he has NO MANNERS WHATSOEVER and Jun smacks him over the head (asd;lfkjaslkj my OTP has been good to me this week ♥) and has this utterly ridiculously fond look on his face. I swear, even more than the smack itself (though, that's awesome, too) is the way Jun looks at him when he does it.
So, the first one was a game where they held various objects up to the person's ear and they had to guess what the things were. The first guest was pretty amusing, you could tell that they were all having fun with it, though, I was totally not laughing my ass off because OF COURSE they gave Jun nothing phallic looking to hold up to the guy's ear at all. He totally didn't hold it in a hilarious way or anything.
(asd;lfkjaslkj twice in one week, same as in this week's GRA. I just-- I only wish Kanna-chan had been there to laugh as hard as I did.)
And then they all ganged up on Ohno to bully him into being the one with stuff up against his ear and you can hear Ogura-san just cackling in the background because it's the funniest thing ever. And then! Jun petting Ohno's ear before they started! (a;sdlkfjaslkj OHNO. HOW DO YOU NOT GET ICE? I MEAN, SERIOUSLY?)
And then! The crawling game! I'm not sure I quite 100% understood the rules, but I do know that I was crying with laughter. Arashi! Wiggling across the floor! Ohno being an evil little bastard about it! And then turning around to do a summersault and tapping everyone gently in the cutest way possible! Totally lying down on top of Jun so he could reach everyone else! Nino flopping around like a dead fish because he was apparently really tired!
And PUSH UPS FOR THE LOSERS. Because EVERYONE lost! And Ohno being an evil little dick about it! I love him so much, seriously.
So, so much love. ♥
And finally. Preview for the Odoroki SP 4! SHO IN A BOAT ONCE AGAIN. God, I love that they are going to make it across the bay in something, goddammit. I couldn't tell who was in the boat with them, there wasn't really a clear shot of anyone but Sho, but I'm almost kind of hoping for Jun, even if I know there's no way in hell Matsumoto is getting on a boat he knows is going to sink.
S-so. One of their stupid experiments is a hot air balloon made out of newspapers. They're going to try to fly this thing and it looks like Sho and Jun are the two doing the experiment. Guess which one they make go up in the newspaper hot airballoon.
I love it. I love it. I love that they always make the one AFRAID OF HEIGHTS do these things.
And I love that apparently Mirrorman is going skiing.
So, there was a lot of flail for me with this episode, yes.
♥ - I downloaded but hadn't really planned to watch
Guru Guru Ninety-Nine [2006.02.17] Aiba (Onsen SP) (and I still haven't watched the current one yet with the hula skirts), but Ho was watching/talking about them and I got sucked in, too. It was actually really funny, though, I think watching it with someone at the same time (so when one of us would go, "AHAHAHA, DID YOU SEE THAT?", the other knew exactly what we meant) made it more interesting than it would have been if I were the only one watching it.
What really got me to cave was Ho mentioning that she'd never seen someone LEAVE A HANDPRINT IN REAL LIFE from a smack before and I was all, asd;lfkjasl;kjsl, ARE YOU SERIOUS? I had to know! And SURE ENOUGH. When the sumo wrestler (or so I assume he was) smacked Taichi on the back, he left A GIANT HANDPRINT IN TAICHI'S SKIN, HOLY SHIT.
The episode also had Degawa in it! And the host with a really, really horrible outfit! Like, even scarier than Aiba's GRA suit! And, goddammit, I want to know what they were saying because I swear I heard them talking about the rest of Arashi with Aiba, that they mentioned Matsumoto's name while they're showing a clip of a lion chewing on Aiba's arm. That made me laugh so hard.
My favorite moment, though, was when the sumo wrestler smacked Aiba on the face and he does make a >_< expression, but my immediate thought was, "Oh, please. Matsujun TOTALLY hits harder than that. The sumo wrestler wasn't even wearing any rings! Amateur."
But it was also funny when they were putting Taichi through a punishment for getting a quiz answer wrong or something and these GIANT GUYS just pick up tiny little Taichi and toss him over the side of the railing into with only his onsen undewear and towel on, into the mud and bushes just below. I love Taichi a lot, but it was really funny watching him crawl back up.
What was UNCOOL, however, was when Aiba lost the game of shiritori at the end, so they made him dress up as a snowy mountain in only his onsen underwear and an open carboard mountain in the freezing air and then poured snow on him. UNCOOL, SHOW. I kind of seriously started to worry that he'd get pneumonia and you just DON'T MAKE AIBA GET PNEUMONIA.
I mean, think of what his bandmates would do to you.
Matsujun alone would be the stuff of nightmares. ;___;