Title: All I Want...
Author: Clea2011
Rating: 18
Characters: Becker/Jess
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures, I'm just writing for fun and non-profit.
Spoilers: Season 5 at a push
Word count: 8559
A/N: Written for
morrigans_eve for the
becker_jess Secret Santa using the prompt Becker getting mobilised to Afghanistan - Jess waiting for him at RAF Brize Norton (having hacked something she shouldn't have ...) I've added a bit of a twist to the prompt, I hope that you like what I've done. (Also, I have very little knowledge of the military so apologies in advance for errors there)
Thanks to
fififolle for beta-reading
(Moderator - please could we have some author and artist tags?)
All I Want... Part One is here All I Want... Part Two is here