Title: The Christmas Tree
Author: Clea2011
Word Count: 4096
Characters: Becker/Jess, Matt
Rating: 15
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures, I'm just writing for fun and non-profit.
A/N: For the
http://thejeckerlibrary.tumblr.com/ Becker/Jess fic exchange, and Primeval Denial Bingo square 'Seasons 4 and 5'
13/25 doneWritten for PrawnCrackers, who gave the prompt: Jess sends Becker to buy a Christmas tree, but he keeps getting sidetracked.
The Christmas Tree )
(For anyone interested, there's a masterlist for the exchange here:
http://thejeckerlibrary.tumblr.com/tagged/amjc13-masterlist - not all are on it yet. There also seems to have been an exchange on FFnet which as far as I can see is largely Becker/Jess)