This posting is actually a response to something that
mrdreamjeans recently posted, but after thinking about it, I thought it funny enough (...and sad enough) to share it with the rest of you who stumble upon my journal entries from time to time.
A comedy club (housed in an old movie theater) out here at the Beaches recently declared the upcoming performance of Eve Ensler's "The Vagina Monologues" on their marquee. The marquee, in typical movie theater-in-a-strip mall fashion, is right next to Atlantic Boulevard, a street that is one of the main thoroughfares connecting the beach to downtown Jacksonville.
Unfortunately, the declaration of said production was short-lived...sort of.
Apparentally, someone was so offended by the term vagina on a sign so close to a busy street -that the proprietor, fearing that he would lose revenue (that he most likely wasn't going to get anyway) changed the title of the performance on the marquee to:
The Hoo-Hah Monologues
Yes, this is a true story. Sometimes I just don't know why I live here!
Happy Heart Day, everyone!