December 24 1986

Oct 12, 2007 07:56

At my oldest brother's house, Christmas Eve...both so drunk, that we couldn't adjust his new telescope to even look at the moon.

ME: "you know that thing Linda (his first wife) kept saying about me in the 70's?"

HIM: "Oh yeah, I remember."

ME: "I don't think it was true's true now."

HIM: "well, that still OK by me and Elva (his second wife). I think we always knew....just do me a favor and don't catch anything, OK?"

Interestingly...I had no intention on telling my oldest brother the news. But after four glasses of egg nog and Bacardi 151, anything is possible.

I had told my younger brother, that afternoon, as he and I were closer...And surprisingly, he DIDN'T take it well. He was (finally) getting married...and I think he was afraid of what Shirley (his fiance) would think. Later on, Shirley told me that when she found out (and how relieved he was to hear that having a queer brother-in-law was far from bring a problem for her), she told him that she had had plenty of practice.

Apparentally even as Shirley was inheriting a gay in-law when she and William got married, my little brother was about to inherit SIX!
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