Dec 01, 2013 21:57
My neighbor James is creepy. He's tried to come into my apartment a few times--without my permission. Once I overheard him saying he was going to sodomize a passer-by. I really don't like this guy.
Today, I was standing in my doorway talking to staff when they asked him to clean his room. He refused and started talking, and it was one of his infamous endless pointless monologues. He talked about how white people were being punished for their sins of enslaving black people and killing Native American people. Then he said that Natives had no body hair and that they were really black. Then he said the Holocaust was Jews killing other Jews and that Hitler was half Jewish. Then he talked about how white people raped minority men because they were gay and that God would punish them for that just like the Bible says.
My neighbor/semi-boyfriend and I looked at each other and shrugged. Staff tried to disengage from the discussion by telling him he made no sense, which caused him to insist he made perfect sense.
Shoot me.