May 16, 2005 15:24
Prom was soooo Vivacious! First off, I want to say thanks a bunch once again Mikester...It was wonderful. Chita and I started getting all prettied up at about 1:00 that was an experience. My Mom came to watch me get done'd. That was nice. i was freaking out a bit b/c the lady wasn't doing what I had in mind...but it was all apart of her master came out really well...I was pleased! My make up on the other hand...I sooo wasn't used to. But everyone kept on insisting that it looked great. I am just not used to the layering technique *shrugs* We then headed off to Chita's family's bbq/party thing. Her family is so goodlooking. She felt bad b/c we couldn't stay for long but they kept on hinting that she try to stay for at least an hour. Her Dad was trying to hook me up with some cousins..heh. When we got back home, it was 5:30some or so..I was worried since I knew Mikey was going to arrive near that time. Gosh was I rushing...but he called and said he was about 20 minutes away...that was a relief..I calmed down some and took my time getting ready. When I finally finished with everything, I got nervous ALL over again b/c It was time for the unveiling O_o. Mikey looked so handsome. I opened the door and he turned around and walked in backwards as planned...cuteness. His all black tux and gold tie was a smashing success! WE took off! Mitch Hedburg...future lakes...gazebos...and invisible zebras was the entertainment. Mikey's truck is the size of a bus! anywho...we get there and we try to figure out where to put his orchid. We get it on and meet up with some of his buddies and walk on in. The place was nicely decorated. I matched! I liked the set up for the picture...really pretty. We took our pictures soon. Chita and friends were already there looking gorgeous.
The food was were fun (I hope I come out alright) the Dancing...OMG was that a blast. I'm so glad Mikey got up and danced! He soo rocks at it. It was cute when I felt his hands shaking but he soo got used to it soon. It was crazy hot in there...EVERYONE, for the exception of one couple, was dancing! It was sooo much fun, I can't stress that enough. I was soo nervous though b/c Mikey and I were being filmed...I know the whole dance floor and everyone in it were being filmed as well..but it seemed as though they were focusing on us! Esp. during the slow dance...yeah, you saw your Dad, Mikey. >_> Everyone took off their clothes and continued to dance! Mike kept on looking hotter as more articles of clothing came off...heh. The jacket came off...Becky: Cool.--The Vest came off...Becky: Woah!--The tie came off and shirt opened up slightly...Becky:*faints* ha. Chita, Jen, Val, and I danced a whole lot together. EVeryone looked sexy.
We then went to Mikey's to get dressed for the after party. I was walked in on by Mrs. Garcia O_O! Mikey gave me my gifts from Florida. I love them! I am wearing my charm bracelet right now actually. You left it on the ice chest in my room Mikey...I was freaking out today looking for it! Anyway...Marina's party was super fun. I actually found myself wishing that I could've grown up there...the party reminded me of the parties I loved in high school. Just a group of friends hanging out...laughing, going on trips to the local cemetary, and the like. Mike and I had a nice walk down the there's two stars in the sky named after he and I. So don't think about naming them something else!! Time flew by sooo was 4 something in the morning and Mikey and I were on a car hood laughing at the silly things his friends were doing and's too bad we both cant remember that famous was priceless.
Chita came to us super scared saying that she had to go home NOW. Her parents were threatening to come for her themselves and she didn't want them Mikey and I jetted to his Jeep...gosh, Nice reversing Mikeser j/p. Anyway..we get to Chita's and she walks in...I am so scared...on the way over she was telling me to disregard anything that her parents would tell us...>_>. But she comes out..and, to her amazement, they were asleep and just gave her an "oh you're home mija, que bueno." then went back to sleep. Ha! I guess it was a good thing...scoldings are never fun. It's just that we could've spent more time at the party...her with Javi. Oh well. Chita and I had are girl talk before we went to bed..talking about what an awesome night it was...hee. then we fell asleep. I woke up the next day and Mikester took me back home. We hung out at the apartment. Good times.
This weekend was incredible...I loved it so much. I have soo many new memories to cherish. Keep that Prom thingie Mikey, it has my lips on it! I hope to see you a lot during the summer...I'm going to miss you so much when you leave.
Laters...and everyone, I suggest that you try frying an egg on a is extremely enjoyable :)