I'm in the south

Aug 01, 2012 23:12

I'm on a road trip with keli and her mom in the south. Right now we're on the road heading to Chapel Hill, NC and tomorrow we're going to continue on to Williamsburg and Jamestown, VA which I am super excited for since I love all things Colonial America. Then we'll head back down to Chapel Hill for a night and continue on to Charleston, SC for two days. From there we're heading to Andalusia and Savannah, GA before flying home from Atlanta.

I have to start cleaning out my room. My parents want everything decluttered because they're prepping to sell the house within the year. And tons of books and...stuff from my whole life I haven't gotten rid of. This is where a huge chapter of my life ends and a new one begins as I'm headed to to London for a Ph.D. in history - a dream I've had since forever. You know whats crazy? I applied to 11 American schools and 3 Canadian schools only to be accepted to one Canadian school in the great white bumfuck north, which i turned down. I applied to seven schools in the UK and i was accepted to six of them (rejected by Cambridge). What's up with that, universe? I'm headed to King's College London. It was a super tricky decision between that and University College London, which is higher ranked but the prof at KCL is very well-known in the field and all of his students have gotten good academic jobs.

When I'm done I'm thinking of starting a side business of graduate school advisement. It's a huge thing to do undergrad college advisement but no one does it for grad school and frankly someone needs to. By the time I'm done i'll be a pro having done grad school and professional certification both in and out of the States. Yeah, I'd say I'm qualified.

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