Ugh. Coming back to work after a break is always hard, but coming back from a vacation based on escaping into films multiple times a day might even be harder than coming back from a tropical island. Oh, Sundance, I miss you. One highlight: I ate the best cupcakes I've ever had from a bakery called
The Sweet Tooth Fairy. Better than ones I bake, better than Magnolia in New York, better than Cupcake Royale in Seattle. Let's hope the shipping charges to California aren't too high. But in the midst of cupcake dreams, I am left here, completely unmotivated to do anything in my very long list of tasks even though everyone around me is in high-strung hyper mode. I know these cocktail parties won't throw themselves, but calm the fuck down people!
An essay on happiness by author Amy Bloom. These five steps sounds fairly reasonable:
1. Be in possession of the basics - food, shelter, good health, safety.
2. Get enough sleep.
3. Have relationships that matter to you.
4. Take compassionate care of others and of yourself.
5. Have work or an interest that engages you.
That number 5 is the kicker. My interests engage me greatly. Work, however...what is the opposite of engaging? Repelling? When I'm at work, I feel more miserable than most people I know. Outside of the office, I feel happier than most people I know. I think. Maybe just more drunk. Uh, follicle. Drink!