Jan 10, 2004 17:09
I can't take it. I can't take the cold weather. Nothing makes me more miserable than below zero degree weather. Nothing makes me more miserable then freezing when I'm driving before the car heats up. Nothing makes me more miserable than being unable to walk outside for 5 seconds in a parking lot without feeling like I'm getting frostbite. Fuck this weather. FUCK ITTTT!!!! For the first time ever I can't wait till it's 30 degrees again. This cold makes that seem WARM. Like tropical weather. Okay, I think I got that all out. woooshh...feel better already.
Just bought a large vanilla chai from dunkin donuts. This is good. this is VERY good. Dunkin donuts makes me happy. Speaking of dunkin donuts, I have become extremely dependent on coffee in the morning over this break. It sort of makes me nervous because I can't really have it at school before class, because my damn meal plan doesn't start till 11, and thats after class, and theres nowhere else to get coffee unless I want to pay for it and that's just lame.
I have to go on a diet. And that makes me mad. It makes me mad because I shouldn't have to go on a diet. I'm not fat. But because society is so warped and fucked up I feel like I need to go on a diet because I know that I can be skinnier. I know that I can look better. Even though I look fine now. I've been listening to a lot of Incubus lately, and a lot of their songs on 'make yourself' talk about that. like...society warping your mind. and making yourself without being influenced by what other people say. It really is something to think about sometimes. how much we succumb to all the bullshit. I do it all the time. I find it hard not to. Its convienient that way. Anyways, my sister goes to school for nutrition so she made me a diet...and it's goign to be difficult, because I have to eat the same stuff all the time. Basically only sandwhiches and salads , because my school sucks and doesn't have anything else that would work. fuckkkkkkkk diets.
School next week. thank god. I have more anxiety home than I do school. Although I did have a good time with everyone.
I need to learn:
many many more piano songs
bye byeeee